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How do you say "[you have the] wrong number" in your language?
  • I would love to know also. They are all spoken here for sure (quite a large population of people who speak the languages I listed) but what confuses me is the area codes are usually not my region for these calls.

  • I get wrong numbers all the time in other languages. I only speak English fluently. The languages I studied previously were mainly in writing so speaking other languages is quite intimidating for me.

    Top languages in my area: Spanish (mainly Mexico and Puerto Rico), Vietnamese, Korean, and Russian. I've also encountered Igbo, Yoruba, Arabic, and Haitian Creole.

    Learning how to say something like "I only speak English" would be helpful as well.

    I did find this website but I have no way of knowing how accurate it is:

    I've just been introduced to Taco Bell. What should I be trying?
  • The quesadillas. Again. And again.

    I can't stop eating them. I prefer their quesadillas over authentic ones tbh. It's the sauce! And the baja blast!

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    If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • My neighbor likes to do yardwork at 10pm

    Luckily he has electric equipment so it doesn't make as much noise

    Except for the days he decides to do woodworking too

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    Pro-Trump ad uses Latin to target Latino voters
  • The number of people in my town that think our language is American, Mexicans speak Mexican, all Asian people are Chinese, and any random combination of cities/countries are part of the United States makes this very plausible.

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    Google is losing its status as a verb
  • I miss the encyclopedia I had growing up. It was huge - like 5 inches thick. It knew everything and never let me down. And there were no ads or cookie banners to click out of.

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    without saying how old you are, how old are you?
  • Yeah but it used to not be ignored so now me and this random person with my name basically share an email address. We don't get each other's emails all that often somehow. We first chatted years ago when I got an important email for a job she applied for (soon after they started ignoring the dots), and she seemed decent so I didn't change it. Definitely a huge risk but here we are.

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    Microsoft's 'Recall' feature can't be uninstalled after all
  • Did mine a few weeks ago. The only part I'm stuck on is OneDrive, which I unfortunately need. I got access to my personal files but not the shared files. The other part is I still need to download all of my mods...which I am not looking forward to 😆 but let me just say it is so nice to have a computer that actually works! It's older so it was getting impossibly slow.

    Between Linux and the new IRS software I am feeling spoiled.

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    Finally giving up on Jerboa
  • I was on Artemis and then Jerboa and now Thunder (probably a few others in between).

    Artemis was going to be great but is no more, sadly.

    Jerboa I just couldn't like. I think my biggest issue when I was using it was you could only search for community names? I can't remember exactly I just remember the difficulty searching was the last straw for me.

    Thunder is great. I don't think I have any complaints. It works as I need it to and probably has a bunch of features that I don't use. It's pretty new still so I'm trying not to get too attached lol but it's updated pretty regularly, commenting works well, it allows you to preview before posting. Search seems to work great. I guess the only issue is the delay in notifications? Not really an issue for me but I guess if you're having a more immediate conversation in the comments it might be.

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    It seems like the logical way to work
  • Yep.

    At my first job I was in charge of implementing new software (definitely not in my job description - I was basically a secretary). I was discussing security concerns with the head honchos and they interrupted me and dismissed my concerns because they "only hire honest people."

    They gave everyone admin permissions.

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    There has to be another way
  • Yeah, if you mean laps etc it'll be when I can move up to more intense stuff. Right now I can basically sit and float around.

    Right now the exercises I do feel like I'm doing nothing (until later, then I'm exhausted for days). It's frustrating because before all of this happened I was doing a lot of incline and strength training, which I can't do anymore. The exercises I'm able to do now basically amount to a few flutter-like moves and some shoulder work. Even that was too much this week so going to have to tell my trainer we have to pull back even further.

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    There has to be another way
  • Unfortunately many of those "exercise people" this tweet is referring to do not take any disabilities into consideration. I can't tell you how many people have told me to just "go for a walk" when my disabilities require me to do specific exercises from a horizontal position. At some point I might be able to do slightly more intense recumbent stuff (very slow, low resistance cycling) but walking/running will unfortunately never be something that helps me. And don't get me started on the HIIT fad. I would die lol (not joking though)

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    [USA] Moving to a colder climate soon (Denver or Minneapolis-ish), how do I prepare my car?
  • Sweet! Thank you

    Yeah it's extra satisfying when I help out an unnecessarily large truck's owner lol (it's usually a man who thinks women don't know anything - like the guy who thought I should be informed to turn my car off before swapping a belt hero! 🤠)

  • Hello,

    I have never lived in a snowy place. Where I am now we usually get enough ice to make it slick and it shuts the region down. We live in the center of the country so depending where exactly we end up we probably won't have an entire mountain to drive over...probably.

    I am moving to be either in Denver area or Minneapolis area. What do I do with our cars?

    I have a small 4WD SUV (I don't know how to drive in areas that actually require 4WD). Our other car is a slightly larger SUV. Both have pretty low clearance.

    We currently have all season tires. Do we need to get special tires or chains? How do I learn to drive with the chains? Also, does everyone just have 2 sets of tires laying around?

    What about vehicle fluids? IIRC viscosity is different in different climates, is that just oil I'd need to worry about?

    And are you supposed to heat your car or whatever? I know they do that in super cold places but not sure about Minneapolis.

    The areas we are looking at are in and around the major cities, although if we end up in Minnesota there's a chance we will be in a more rural area or in a place where we need to drive a long distance because housing is expensive.

    If anyone knows how much longer we have to get there before the roads become treacherous this winter that would be helpful. I think we have til end of September to be safe, is that usually true?

    Any other tips are much welcomed and appreciated. I don't really have anyone I can ask and the internet is pretty full of AI BS now.


    I'm in a very red state and have been trying to move to a blue state. (Or another country tbh but that is overwhelmingly complicated and expensive). Currently living with family but that has run it's course.

    So my partner and I have been applying to places but I just had a bankruptcy this year, my partner is in the process of doing a bankruptcy, I'm on a fixed income, and my partner's income is unsteady. Plus we each have a dog. We've had them all their lives. There's no way we can give them up.

    I just don't know what to do or where to go. Rent is so expensive. We need a 2 bedroom so that my partner can have a place to work. Our credit scores suck. And a lot of these places want 700+ score and no bankruptcy in the last 10 years!

    We were going to have a cosigner, but they want the cosigner to have 4 or 5x the rent as income. With rent for just a studio going over $1k that's more than our potential cosigners make. And that's just for a studio, when we really need a 2 bedroom. We could probably make a 1 bedroom work, but it doesn't really matter when we don't meet the qualifications and neither does our potential cosigners.

    I tried looking at places in rural areas, but even those places are expensive and with both of us having medical appointments every week, usually multiple times a week, the driving would be killer.

    We can't even go to a shelter, not just because of the dogs but because all the shelters around us you have to work (some of them you have to pay rent also!). I am disabled and physically cannot work, and even if I really pushed myself and was somehow able to, I'm not allowed to work because I will lose my disability check.

    I'm just at a complete loss. I have no idea what to do or where to go. I have some money in savings from a settlement, but that is running out fast with all the medical costs. And I can't stop going to my appointments or I will end up losing my disability check as well when I come up for review.

    That's why we want to go to a blue state because we would both qualify for Medicaid which would give us more of our income back. And also have more of a community hopefully.

    I just need advice? Or maybe solidarity? Is it going to work out 😭



    I recently found my old Garmin 1300LMT and it still works great! The suction cup is strong as ever. I'm very impressed considering it's been in the car for years enduring heat and cold.

    Obviously the maps are probably 10 years old though, so navigating isn't exactly accurate in some places.

    Is there a way to update just the maps themselves?

    I know the newer updates have larger files, but I really don't want to change how the navigation works or add any extra features (I find newer GPS to be very annoying with giving wrong directions or repeating a step 10x in a row).

    Thank you 😃


    I am researching options to move to a better email client with some of my existing email addresses (namely gmail and outlook), but I am having trouble finding one that you can view both in a browser and in an app. Ideally it would be pretty low cost (free) but I am willing to pay for an exceptional one. Unfortunately at this time I can't change my email addresses.

    Any ideas?



    I am trying to run Win98 games using Retroarch 1.19.1 on Android 14. I am trying to play either Restaurant Empire or Roller Coaster Tycoon currently, but am also interested in other games from that time.

    I have looked at other sites which recommend using DosBox-Pure. I have also tried the core and SVN versions.

    Nothing happens in the core and SVN versions except to say that the file cannot be run in Dos mode. When using Pure, roller coaster tycoon shows a list of exe files, but restaurant empire doesn't register any exe files. If I try to start any of roller coaster tycoon's files it says that it cannot be run in Dos mode.

    Other sites said you have to install Win98 SE, which I tried but can't seem to get it to work on Android, even though there are some folks that were able to make it happen. I got it to the screen where it says to continue with setup press enter, but when I press enter on the onscreen keyboard nothing happens (esc does nothing either).

    Here are the links where I got the iso files:

    I also downloaded the boot disc from the Win98 link (the 7z file) but it says no executable file found.

    I am not super knowledgeable about retro gaming so any assistance is helpful. (I have had success with a few games using other cores within Retroarch as well as the Dolphin emulator)



    I noticed that everytime I go to a mechanic or someone new gets in my car, the bluetooth autoconnects to their phone. How can I restrict access?

    I tried to look it up but could only find how to turn bluetooth off completely.

    Along the same lines, does anyone happen to know how to restrict my phone from auto connecting to various cars? I thought they had to ask.

    My car is a 2019 Nissan Rogue and my phone is a Pixel 8 with Android 14.


    DAE have problems with ACH transactions at Amplify Credit Union?

    Since I opened my account a few months ago I have had so many problems - Amplify being unable to send me their own security codes, third parties not recognizing the bank or its routing number, and inability to complete ACH transactions.

    The most recent issue is that a third party recognizes the bank, but says "there was a problem processing" the transaction. Luckily I have an account at a different bank and was able to pay them.

    What can I do to get this resolved? I see a lot of good reviews for the bank but haven't seen any reports of this issue, but surely it can't be just me? Did I make a mistake opening this account with them?


    More health than fitness but I couldn't find a could place to ask. Basically, I'm not sure where to start with all of this. All of these are from my physicians due to various health conditions I have. I know I need to ramp up to them. All of these are per day.

    Also, I'm really looking for ideas, not medical advice, but just fyi I will definitely be presenting a plan to my doc to make sure it works in the context of my medical stuff.

    • 150g protein (currently I don't think I even eat 30g)
    • 10g salt (no idea how much I eat but I take 1.5g salt tablets per day and my family historically doesn't eat much salt)
    • 4-5L fluids (I might drink about 1L...maybe. I can use high water content foods to achieve this goal)
    • Increase brushing to 2x with electric toothbrush (currently use a manual one)
    • Floss 1-2x (i suck at this one)
    • Waterpik (i never do this)
    • Low intensity exercise 2-3 min (not a typo...will increase later) (in a former life I did a lot of high intensity exercises so this is very boring and feels like a waste of time)
    • Lose 30lbs (currently holding steady) (this one is obviously not per day lol) (this one is also less important at this time)

    Those are the main ones. Where would you start? And how the hell do you fit an entire 150g of protein in in one day??

    My physicians haven't been super helpful with the practical side of things. Also I can't afford a dietician so that's part of what's made this so difficult.

    More context that might be of help:

    • I generally eat 3 meals per day, sometimes snacks but not usually
    • I drink mainly electrolyte beverages and water
    • My mental health has sucked for awhile so everything feels impossible
    • My proteins are usually chicken, beef, pork, and sometimes nuts/beans. I also like dairy-based protein drinks. Although I like seafood, my family really doesn't so I have to limit that.
    • No food allergies or religious requirements
    • My range of motion is not limited. I basically just need to keep my heart rate down.
    • Sitting up for long periods is hard, so I've been thinking about starting there so that I can have more fluids more easily
    • I am only allowed to do recumbent exercises or things laying on my back. I can also sit on the edge of a tub or pool. But walking/running/standing exercises are out for now
    • Reminder apps and charts are not really helpful for me, but I would be willing to try more of them
    • I'm an American and we do not weigh our food lol. Even if I started that I have no idea how I would calculate this stuff. 😬 Tips/resources are welcome, though

    Thanks for any ideas!


    Tried to research this but it only told me how to create one, not view it.

    My problem is that anytime there is a long image, namely a scrolling screenshot, it is blurry and unreadable when I try to view it. This includes when I just zoom in as well as when I save the image to my own photos and try to view it from there.

    So how am I supposed to do it? These (seemingly) aren't low quality images because it happens every time - on here, text messages, search results - and no one else ever says anything about it.

    There are no issues viewing other types of images and my phone is updated.

    Also, I'm on Android.


    I have never seen this before. Usually once I click my preferences the screen just goes away. What's the difference between those websites and this one?

    !Frito Lay Rold Gold pretzels website


    Context: I drive a 15+ year old SUV, and I am no longer in the position to just replace everything should anything bad happen. So sadly I will have to buy a newer car at some point. Hopefully not anytime soon 🤞🏼🤞🏼 But, I noticed when shopping with other people that newer cars sound weird. My knowledge of car troubleshooting is little more than sounds good/sounds bad, looks good/looks bad, smells good/smells bad, feels good/feels bad.

    So, how are newer cars supposed to sound?



    I am (very, very early) in the process of degoogling. I am definitely not a high risk as far as needing to be completely locked down. It's more about trying to have a little more control over how my data is used.

    I am looking at Graphene OS, but I am a little confused how certain apps (that rely on Google services) work. I have a Pixel 8 and will have it for the foreseeable future.

    The apps I currently use that I would still need (or their equivalents) are:

    • Clash Royale (Supercell)
    • Notion (Notion Labs)
    • Clickup (Mango Technologies)
    • Business Calendar 2 (Appgenix)
    1. If I installed these exact apps "sandboxed", what exactly does that mean from a user standpoint? Will I have to use a separate account, reboot my phone, etc, or is it a quick process to use the app?

    2. Is there a list of apps that I could browse to find equivalents to the above? Recommendations here are also ok.

    3. I saw that Firefox isn't exactly private(?) and that Vanadium is better in that aspect but I don't understand why. Can someone ELI5, and help me see if this is a relevant concern for me?

    Thank you! 😁


    One of my more terrible ones is,

    "Well, the man sure can limbo, right under the bar that [political opponent] set."


    I am wanting to sell a used adult bike with some accessories (a camelbak and a helmet). I don't think the bike is worth much but the bicycle blue book doesn't list this brand (genesis from walmart) and other calculators are pricing it at $50+ even in poor condition (not ridden much, tires need to be replaced). I don't think it cost more than $180, if that, when I bought it 4 years ago.

    If anyone could point me in a good direction I would be grateful.

    I am in the USA.


    [USA] [401K] I was in a settlement for a class action lawsuit involving a 401k. I just received a 1099r. Box 7 has code "7"; I am under the age to withdraw without penalty. Will i receive a penalty?

    Sorry for long title:

    • USA
    • in a state with no state income tax
    • my former employer (international corporation) messed up 401ks, resulting in class action lawsuit
    • settlement gave claimants <$20 each
    • just received a 1099r for this amount
    • box 7 = "7", which means normal distribution per IRS
    • I am under 59.5

    I don't understand the table on the IRS website. Just wondering if there will be a penalty for this settlement "distribution" or if it is waived since it was part of a lawsuit. I usually do my taxes by myself so I don't have anyone to ask.
