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Ex-Porsche Lawyer Sentenced After Throwing Her Newborn Out Window So It Wouldn't Disrupt Her Career
  • Also it is really important that we consider all points of view. Maybe the pro-baby throwing out of the window side raises some interesting arguments. Let's hear them out

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    Ex-Porsche Lawyer Sentenced After Throwing Her Newborn Out Window So It Wouldn't Disrupt Her Career
  • You think you would notice missing 9 periods, having your entire nipple area change color and produce milk, need to go pee every thirty minutes, feet swelling, rapid temperature changes, focus problems, food cravings, vomiting for three months, odor sensitivities, not being able to tie your shoes, weird fast reflexes, urge to take on home repair projects, and skin changes.

    But I am positive someone here will tell me about their friend's cousin former yoga instructor's roommate who didn't notice for some reason and act like this is the norm

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    Biden to call for 5% cap on annual rent increases, as he tries to show plans to tame inflation
  • Right but I am on your side about this. I want everyone to have housing that is awesome and within their price range. I just don't agree that finding ways to punish immigrants and minorities is the best way to go about it. There is a difference between me saying "I want X and don't think Y is the best way to get X" and me saying "fuck your family, I hate Y and lets do X to hurt them". Me discussing how to solve a problem is not me denying the problem exists or should not be solved.

    Also you and me are good. I am sorry for your loss. I imagine I would be very sensitive to this subject in your situation.

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    Biden to call for 5% cap on annual rent increases, as he tries to show plans to tame inflation
  • I really didn't mention a word about anything you are saying to me now. I am pro-development anti-nimby and admit I haven't studied the issues of corporate housing enough to weight in on it.

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    Biden to call for 5% cap on annual rent increases, as he tries to show plans to tame inflation
  • I am sure with all the lawyers and accountants that work in Washington DC they can easily structure it to deal with a few edge cases. I am pretty sure my dumbass could figure it out. Maybe a tiered system looking at the last few years, ones that are on there verge of failure have more control compared to ones doing well.

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    Biden to call for 5% cap on annual rent increases, as he tries to show plans to tame inflation
  • Have you traveled much?


    The standard is good behavior, not other people.

    Must I repeat it again?

    The trump nazis will abuse everything yes.

    And yet you want to give them more? You don't hand a gun to a person who went to jail repeatedly for using a gun.

    But people not being able to afford a place to live is also giving us trump nazis in the first place

    Assertion, please demonstrate it. Also demonstrate that your method of handing Nazis more power will make them less powerful. Lastly compare the US grabbling with fascists to other nations who have rules like you are advocating for and how they are also grappling with fascists.

    It's a little thing but I kinda want you to acknowledge that the one time this idea was tried in diet form in the US it not only didn't work it also legalized racism. You are suggesting an idea that we tried and it not only failed in the task it was meant to perform it also created a host of new problems.

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    Biden to call for 5% cap on annual rent increases, as he tries to show plans to tame inflation
  • You could just make slightly less money. It is allowed. It isn't like chemical reaction balance thing. It isn't even that they are losing money, they are just making less than they want.

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    Biden to call for 5% cap on annual rent increases, as he tries to show plans to tame inflation
  • Did those "experts" note that the rest of the country, that people want to live in, have the same insane high prices and yet don't have that cap? No, don't bother I already know the answer and so do you.

    Economics isn't a science, it is playtime daydreaming. Which is fine, I enjoy my weekly D&D session. The thing is I know I am not a lvl 12 mountain dwarf fighter.

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    Biden to call for 5% cap on annual rent increases, as he tries to show plans to tame inflation
  • Strong disagree. Can you imagine what red states will do with the power to demand proof of citizenship to own property? Or all the hell couples where one is a Permanent Resident the other a Citizen will go through?

    You should be terrified of someone like Jeff Session or Kris Kobach able to just veto any random person from owning land. You can see it now in your head

    • Them drafting letters on government stationary to real estate agents demanding paperwork from anyone with a Latino or Chinese name. Effectively making agents terrified of dealing with minorities.

    • Random spot checks, having deputies show up to open houses asking for papers or waiting until after closing then interrogation of the family

    • Activists courts arguing that all members of the household must be citizens based on vague feelings

    • New rules that state that the entire inheritance path must all be citizens

    • Non-citizens being forced to sell at a 1/10th the value

    • The lawsuits from groups like the ACLU pointing out that it is a obvious violation of the civil rights act, which goes to the Supreme Court who then declares the Bill of Rights only applies to citizens

    If you are interested the experiment has been run already. Go read up what Kris Kobach did when he got a town to pass a law requiring citizenship tests to rent. He not only near bankrupted the town due to lawsuits he personally sent threatening letters to Latinos who lived there.

    ve traveled to won’t let me buy so why not do the same?

    The standard is good behavior, not other people.

  • Eggs on lent

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