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The less you vote, the more you back Trump
  • Good thing money is free and not held in majority by a small group of people already politically co-ordinated to only allow two options to you for the sake of pretending the US isn't a one party state.

    Also if it was all about fundraising, Bernie would have been president, but it isnt about fundraising, its about who's funding you.

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    The less you vote, the more you back Trump
  • Who's trying to restrain the genocide? Last I checked Biden says nice things then does nothing but send more weapons?

    Doesn’t matter, that option is not one of the two choices.

    This is the cause of voter apathy btw, when you tell people there's no way to stop genocide, they're not going to feel like they can effect change. And when voter apathy sets in democrats lose. Democrats know this, yet pursue political avenues that foster voter apathy. I live in a blue state, nothing I can do will save the Democrats from themselves.

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    The less you vote, the more you back Trump
  • Hilarious when statistic are saying that of the voters getting apathetic they tend to be black and/or female. But stand on the name of those groups while you ignore how they're actually moving some more.

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    The less you vote, the more you back Trump
  • Tell me what percentage of the country was able to cast a vote by march 12th, because it's not the majority. Most of us will never get a say before the primaries are over.

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    The less you vote, the more you back Trump
  • There's a difference between voting for an ideal candidate and not being able to vote for one materially supporting a genocide. "not funding genocide" isn't an ideal, it's a bare minimum. If not funding genocide is 'idealistic' to you, then I want no part of anything you're trying to sell and normalize.

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    On Fox News, the eclipse is—somehow—about migrants at the border
  • The eclipse crossed into Texas from Mexico and was bussed to Buffalo, New York using Texas state taxpayer money authorized by Greg Abbot. I saw the whole thing.

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    Biden reacts to pro-Palestinian protesters: 'They have a point'
  • That phrase was never meant for center right democrats, it was only there to sheepdog those who demand candidates not beholden to the billionaire class. You can't "vote blue no matter who" those types, they'll vote republican because at the end of the day most of them belong to social classes not threatened by conservatism, 4 years is no skin off their back, they may even see their IRAs grow. We're nothing but a voting bloc to them, and that's why things like Malcolm X's quote on white moderates is so relatable to many non black progressives, both groups know what it's like to be only included in appearance and only spoken to when votes are needed. How many more black elected officials do we have now, and yet the Democrats still fail Black voters perennially. I would have to ignore 60 year of history to think the progressive cause would do better if (and that's a big if) we can get more of them elected. If there's a path forward through the democratic party, it's eluded the black community for long enough to see cop lynchings increase and I don't think 'progressive issues' like 'stop killing the environment before we all die' have the time necessary to go the same route that's been taken from Malcolm X to now.

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    Why Americans are bummed out about the economy
  • Food goes up 20%, Consumer electronics go down 20% and they'll call it zero inflation. Not an exact example but an illustration of why things dont feel right. The things you have to buy most often are rising faster than the luxuries. Education, Healthcare, Housing it's a similar story there.

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    if only we could do something...
  • You see how that's a problem that the government cant agree on making things better for people but can agree on ban something millions enjoy so their donors can have more control over the data of that thing right?

    Its not exactly a great example of democracy when we can't raise wages when the price of groceries is rapidly increasing but we can ban apps where kids make 15 second clips of them dancing.

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    Starbucks accused of violating Americans with Disabilities Act by charging extra for non-dairy
  • Yes and advocacy groups have sued the states that are not in compliance on larger points of the ADA, like labor conditions. Guess how much media attention those suits get?

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    Dynamic pricing is coming to grocery stores
  • Every day I read a new headline than make me feel like stealing is the closest any of us laymen can get to justice against these types of people. I hope one day massive crowds just take a run on whichever stores start to do this.

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    Starbucks accused of violating Americans with Disabilities Act by charging extra for non-dairy
  • Im sorry but as someone who works in the field of disability this makes me irate. We have whole states who are not in compliance with the ADA when it comes to employment and even accessible enternces to state and federal buildings and yet the federal government is powerless to stop them, but we can use the ADA to sue coffee shops? Sure it's a good thing I guess but the larger and more important provisions of that legislation continue to be overlooked and unimplemented despite lawsuits filed against states only seeking conscent decrees, but we can make a big scene of suing for non diary creamers.

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    Behind the scenes, Biden has grown angry and anxious about re-election effort
  • Protip, not talking about the problems is also not a solution. Seems you just like your silence. Half the articles posted on lemmy have no solutions presented, yet we don't find people saying things like this on those. I wonder why.

    Also on the face of it its a ridiculous asertation. Should people only post articles about problems they themselves have solutions for? Because that sounds wholly stupid.

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    Biden Bans Rival Nations From Buying Sensitive US Data—Good Luck
  • But Biden made it so only the companies that operate close enough to us to actually abuse the data can get it! Thats so much better than countries and companies who have no means to influence my life outside of Facebook ads having it duhhh. Because PATRIOTISM!
