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Ukrainian drones now spray 4,000° F thermite streams right into Russian trenches
  • Now, I'm all for the freedom of defending your country... But am I the only one thinking that this is presented in a bit too much of a good light? Like, what is the title supposed to make me feel? If the nationalities were reversed, would this have been posted here still?

    I genuinely thank you for sharing this info, but I can't help feeling uncomfortable reading about atrocious killing devices in a technology thread.

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    Closing In on Dark Matter: LUX-ZEPLIN Time Projection Chamber Sets New Limits
  • The new result is nearly five times better than the previous world’s best published result and finds no evidence of WIMPs above a mass of 9 GeV/c2.

    That's pretty neat. I wonder if we're getting close, or if we are making mistaken assumptions.

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    Teacher pay needs to nearly double to afford a typical house
  • I agree that it's not one of the worst paid jobs overall, but if you apply the logic of the headline, I'm pretty sure no teacher in Europe can buy a house with their income
