Skip Navigation Plasma 6 and me

Gamedev, programming, stuff.

Just felt like lemmy users might like reading this post too about my development work for Plasma 6 (and beyond!). It's a bit all over the place because I am bad at writing but anyway, hope you find it interesting nonetheless.

What are your favorite FOSS to-do apps?
  • for all the important things that I need synced proper. Logseq for work and personal stuff, where i put all my ideas and info i've learned. Nextcloud notes for my digital post-it notes, like shopping lists. :)

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    Kate KF6 Status
  • It supports many languages and it has LSP and DAP support. As long as there is a language server and debug adapter binaries, Kate should pick them up and work with the language. And if there's no default config, you can add your own.

  • https:// /~toastal/github-less-social/

    I find this really useful since it hides most of the ads and other annoyances GitHub has now. Luckily I don't really use GitHub that much but when I'm forced to interact with it, this makes it more pleasant experience.
