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J.D. Vance admits he’s telling racist lies for attention
  • Politicians stock-in-trade is information. This is their work product.

    I am a software developer. If I turn in software that doesn’t work. I get fired.

    JD Vance, and all other politicians who lie should also be fired for not doing their jobs.

    This is the world I want to live in.

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    Hawaii elects Kim Coco Iwamoto as its first-ever out trans state lawmaker
  • While congrats are very much in order here, am I the only one cynically wondering if the word “Out” in the headline is doing a lot of heavy lifting?

  • I was recently gifted an immaculate Apple IIc, but it came without a power supply. I wasn’t able to find a replacement online, and so I am hoping someone with more knowledge than me knows where I may be able to find one?

    Thoughts on the Beetle?
  • Maybe it was the one I drove - I found myself pushing the steering wheel in a bid to get up a relatively modest incline. I was also quite alarmed by how quickly things were passing me.

    Then again, my daily at the time was an RX-8.

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    Thoughts on the Beetle?
  • The original? An absolute classic to look at and horrible to drive. The new one? Looks like the original was stung by bees and forgot it’s EpiPen

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    Do you think the world would have been a better place if there were no religions?
  • The answer (to me) is a resounding yes. I firmly believe that belief in the Supernatural is in-built into all of us. It’s an off-shoot of us being incredibly good at pattern matching combined with our need for parental guidance for so long and a fear of death -

    To get past this, we need two things: A personal willingness to ask questions and follow the answers (which is a basic description of science) and we need a society that is willing to embrace these individuals.

    That we aren’t quite there yet means we end up with leaders embracing religion, which is reinforced by the masses accepting their dogma. The whole thing about “religion creating morality” is BS and just another form of dogma.

    It may be entirely simplistic, and it probably puts too much faith in human capacity, but I think we could move in that direction if we just prioritized learning and inquisitiveness. Note, this is not the same as making people go to college. Learning is a life skill…

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    These Canadians want the ‘right to repair’ their stuff: ‘We can’t continue on the same way of consuming’
  • Right to repair is only part of the solution. We’ll almost certainly need an economic shift that rewards (or compels) companies who make their stuff repairable. While we’re at it, we should also try and deal with planned obsolescence, too

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    Using iPad as a second screen without AppleID?
  • Honestly, it works perfectly with a cable and it’s not laggy at all (at least not for writing code, which is what I do for a living). I also use SwitchResX to go beyond the normal resolution my IPad Pro supports. My only complaint is that sometimes it doesn’t connect first time and I have to restart the software on my Mac.

    The only downside is the cost, but i am pretty sure there’s a free trial for it.

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    Ford's privatization of alcohol will cost taxpayers
  • The only real argument I can see for Fords argument is that the choice at the LCBO sucks, even in the “big” stores. It’s mostly “canoe” beers and cheap spirits when I go in looking for decent single malts.

    Then again, that could easily be managed with a policy and whatever happens, I don’t want Galen f*cking Weston taking over any more retail in this country.
