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Woman in a sexual relationship with a plane for nine years says she's finally broken up with it
  • Usual reminder that the Source here is a 'Bild' Article. Therefore it has a high likelyhood of being partially or totally made up by one of their coked up editors.

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    Simple Methode erhöht die Akku-Lebensdauer
  • Überraschende Entdeckung: Die Lebensdauer von Lithium-Ionen-Akkus lässt sich um mehr als 50 Prozent verlängern – durch eine ganz einfache Maßnahme. Dafür muss nur das erste Laden des Akkus – das sogenannte Formatieren – mit bisher unüblich hoher Spannung erfolgen, wie Forscher herausgefunden haben. Diese Maßnahme verursacht zwar anfangs eine stärkere Lithiumablagerung, bremst aber später die elektrochemische Alterung der Batterie erheblich, wie das Team im Fachjournal „Joule“ berichtet.

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    How is it that Germany and Japan can maintain good urban planning despite being home to some of the largest car companies?
  • It may not be as bad as the US, but Car culture in Germany has left it's impact on german citys as well. Both Munich and Berlin for example have massiv highways going right through them. And keeping that at bay or even reversing it is an ongoing struggle.

    Source: lived in both citys

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    Wells Fargo worker found dead at her desk four days after clocking in
  • Meanwhile, in a statement to 12News, a Wells Fargo spokesperson said: “We are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of our colleague at our Tempe office. Our thoughts and prayers are with their family and loved ones during this difficult time.

    Well, at least they took care of the thoughts and the prayers!

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    A £2M Brexit border post has performed just two checks
  • “We are hugely conscious of the fact that there is a government-run facility across at Sevington and we can’t be any more expensive,” he said, referring to Britain’s biggest border control post. “We have to be competitive with the inland facility in order for those food imports to continue through Portsmouth.”

    Does that mean that border protection itself is a competitive, privatised business in the UK??

  • For example, I have kept the habit of washing my hands with soap, first thing when I come home.

    58 Maisie Hitchcock

    It is with immense sadness that we announce the death of Maisie Hitchcock. Maisie died peacefully on August 9, 2023 in the company of her family members. She died as she wished, in a hospice with views of her beloved English countryside.

    It is with immense sadness that we announce the death of Maisie Hitchcock. Maisie died peacefully on August 9 2023 in the company of her family members. She died as she wished, in a hospice with views of her beloved English countryside.
