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This week in KDE: everything, I think
  • @baduhai
    Half of Britain can now finally log out

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    Opt out? Opt in? Opt Green!
  • @edison23
    take a look at ;at least mine works with my bank.
    @be4foss @kde

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    Look! No ads!
  • @LGUG2Z
    Assuming you are implying "rust is the only sane language",
    take a look at what @kdab is doing, they have been posting quite a bit about #rust #cpp #Qt interop lately.

    They might also be able teach you sane C++ 😉

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    Plasma Wayland Virtual Keyboard
  • @fallingcats
    tv is one that springs to mind.
    Generally one where you have a pointer input, but no keyboard, game consoles like applications might also be an answer?
    @n1729 @kde

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    New programming language needed for KDE?
  • @herzenschein
    If you are interested in Qt without the MOC I can also recommend @copperspice_cpp that is a fork of Qt4 but relies heavily on#modernCpp
    @ono @kde

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    Does Wayland really break everything?
  • @vaseline
    Reminds me of the friends episode, where Chandler and Joey get free porn on the cable and can't turn the tv off 😃
    @leopold @kde

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    Firefox (snap) on Kubuntu 23.10 does not have Minimize, Maximize Buttons
  • @mokazemi
    You may want to take a look at the @tuxedocomputers repositories, that's how I get my #Firefox.
    (Full disclosure: I bought a machine with it preinstalled)
