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Am I going crazy or has the reddit community got brain damaged. I mean nothing against you if you enjoy this kind of content but top page with 36k upvotes?

This is worse than third party apps dying, this is the actual content turning into Facebook level crap. I'd rather have the_donald at this point, at least it made me chuckle now and then. I'd rather scroll through TikTok if I wanted to see this kind of stuff. Feels like everyone there got lobotomized, and I don't buy that these are all bots upvoting and commenting.

Boeing 737 Max 9: United Airlines finds loose bolts during inspections
  • So are they just going to tighten them up real well and call it a day? Also are these the same planes they were urging the FAA to let them flight without further inspection?

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    The Biden administration once again bypasses Congress on an emergency weapons sale to Israel
  • No wait if whatever I do child murders stay the same then it's not my fault, I'm only responsible for stuff that I have control over, by definition. I'm worried about how much influence I personally have over how many innocent Palestinian kids are murdered.

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    The Biden administration once again bypasses Congress on an emergency weapons sale to Israel
  • Which is kind of true right? I mean aren't German citizens a bit to blame for the holocaust? And in my hypothetical case we'd be even worse since we'd be actively voting to keep the holocaust alive not just being passive observers.

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    The Biden administration once again bypasses Congress on an emergency weapons sale to Israel
  • Question, if I vote for Biden and he wins and keeps supporting genocide, does that make me partly responsible for these kids dying? Don't love the prospect of having dead inocent children's blood on my hands.

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    Libertarianism just replaces governments with corporations, and doesn't lead to freedom!
  • These points seem pretty reasonable, wonder what's wrong with them since you mentioned you're not actually a libertarian?

    You also mentioned businesses that tend to become monopolies, and more generally, there seem to be types of business that don't really play well in a free market. One non-monopoly example could be antibiotics, since we're all worse off the more they're consumed. Another example is natural resources exploitation: competition won't stop these resources from running out. I know close to nothing about economics but shouldn't it be pretty straightforward to figure out which businesses or which business aspects are the ones that benefit from free market? It seems mostly a technical question.

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    Trying to pay rent these days...
  • Hey lemmy users , lemmytors or whatever, lemmy is desperately in need for commenters. Can't expect to compete against reddit comments. They have thousands of users and and a few of their comments are bound to become super popular just because there are so many of them. It feels like lemmy users are too shy because of reddit popularity. For instance in this case don't tell me you didn't wonder whether the photo was real or not and then got afraid to just ask.
