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Back in my day...
  • I think grampa has a tree identification problem. It looks like a spruce forrest or something, definitely not pines.

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  • I enjoyed it. I'm a sucker for time travel concepts. This one was done in a fun way. So, it has one fan at least.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • No matter whether the diagnosis is accurate in this case. OP's parents are harmful for some reason. No need to make OP's situation even harder, internet stranger. Be kind to kids, please.

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    Armed with traffic cones, protesters are immobilizing driverless cars
  • The date on the article means nothing, because the information had been published before in other news sources. This article just republished old news with a new date.
    I feel with you though, you didn't know that.

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    Alabama wants to be the 1st state to execute a prisoner by making him breathe only nitrogen
  • Many ways of killing people can be done on big scale. Do you have some specific information about Alabama planning to make it large scale or are you worried because it includes gas?
