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Critical support for walling US off from the rest of the world
  • The ensuing cage match might top the 1998 Hell in a Cell match between Mankind and The Undertaker.

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    An Insane Number of Gen Zers Support Hamas's Oct 7 Attack
  • Let's go over the poll and how bias the questions are.

    ISR4: Do you think it's true that Hamas terrorists killed 1200 Israeli civilians by shooting them, raping and beheading people including whole families, kids and babies or is that a false story?

    This of course ignores the large number of military personnel killed by calling them civilians while also repeating the blood libel claim about babies.

    ISR5: Do you think Hamas fighters are more appropriately called militants or terrorists?

    Both of these words have a negative connotation in English normally you would use a neutral or positive word to gauge sentiment also the question above already calls them terrorists.

    ISR7: Do you think Hamas is designated as a terrorist group by the U.S. government or is that not the case?

    This is literally just a knowledge question but in the slides is presented as opinion. Bringing up the official designation just seems like an intentional attempt to bias any subsequent answers.

    ISR15: Do you think the recent attack on Israel shows there is widespread antisemitism and hatred of Jews among Palestinians or does the attack reflect the actions of only terrorists and fundamentalists and not the will of Palestinian people?

    These are the only two possibilities it couldn't have anything to do with fighting occupiers.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The vast majority of Haiti practice some elements of vodou, but official stats list Christianity as the main religion.

    It is a country with plenty reason to hate the French.

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    These people are the reason gulags were invented
  • What compels people to sign their own execution warrants? This person would have written about how slaves don't have the right to runaway because it compels their master to chase them down.
