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  • They forgot to thank Biden, Harris and The USA for the thousands of bombs they have provided for Israel's genocide. and the coming 20 Billion more of military support.

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    What factors do you think contributed to the "Reddit Hivemind"? How do you believe it can be avoided?
  • They hive mind is just as strong on lemmy as it is on Reddit. which has led me to wind-down my engagement on lemmy and will very soon drop it all together. going back to RSS I guess or might try nostr next.

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    Any Free speech, censorship resistant lemmy, mastodon and fediverse altrnatives ?
  • You kinda intentionally ignoring my point, I was asking for suggestion of different models, even different protocols if they exist. not instance - community - moderation based ones.

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    Any Free speech, censorship resistant lemmy, mastodon and fediverse altrnatives ?
  • At this point I am disappointed with every other internet model that came out so far. and I don't think that moderation has been a good addition, I can see the need for it if you are building a community around your own persona, like a streamer or influencer fandom. but for things like politcs and economies and stuff it just turns into echo chambers.

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    Any Free speech, censorship resistant lemmy, mastodon and fediverse altrnatives ?
  • Do you need to pay for those relays, or register with those relays like you to on lemmy to be able to post ?

    can you move your account from one relay to another ?

    Are ther modded communities or subreddits like they are on lemmy ?

    Do you need an app to be constantly connected in the background like briar messenger or all content is hosted on the relays?

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    Any Free speech, censorship resistant lemmy, mastodon and fediverse altrnatives ?
  • No I want people to be able to block my post just as I can block other people's posts, but I don't need a moderator to block either my posts or other people's posts to be seen by everybody else engaging in that discussion, thread, theme, hashtag, what ever you name it.

    When blocking is done at an individual level it doesn't silence or shutdown views or ideas from the discussions, every individual is free to not engage with people or ideas they don't agree with, but they shouldn't have the power to block those ideas for everybody else.

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    Any Free speech, censorship resistant lemmy, mastodon and fediverse altrnatives ?
  • No this federation experiment is at the end for me.

    I don't believe in the federation model anymore. I was looking for a p2p protocol like a big bitorrent swarm, something more decentralized where no one has power over the discussions. I want to filter the content I want to consume. I dont't need someone else to decide what I should or should not read. I was hoping for an open network where every node have the same leverage and you only mod your own feed.

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    Any Free speech, censorship resistant lemmy, mastodon and fediverse altrnatives ?
  • You can't escape moderation and censorship in lemmy. If a moderator of a certain big community has a certain heavy bias towards a subject and moderates accordingly. you are just bared from such discussions. communities suffer from the same network effects as social media do. I can take heat and shitty people but I can't stand silencing.

    I might check nostr. is it app relient ??

  • Hi

    I am looking for projects of links agregators or micro blogs, that don't rely on centralized servers and especially no mods. I've had it with mod's power trips. and how personal biases affect heavy moderation.

    I want to try something with no governance, maybe p2p, and with better transparency than lemmy.

    Harris Doesn’t Support Arms Embargo on Israel, a Top Adviser Says
  • For a politician that's knows for sleeping her way into power, it is hard to expect her to resist the hundreds of millions of AIPAC and billionaires money, and do the right thing for once in the history of the USA.

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    Harris camp shuts down talk of Israel arms embargo
  • That's actually a lie. according the NYT the uncommitted organizers who met with Harris before her rally in Michigan requested an arms embargo on Israel.

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    Harris camp shuts down talk of Israel arms embargo
  • a.k.a Israel is the keystone of US imperialism. but so Called American "leftists" are fine with their own imperialism, otherwise they will loose all other privileges over the rest of the world.

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    Harris camp shuts down talk of Israel arms embargo
  • What do you expect from AIPAC and Billionaires funded Democratic candidate ?

    same old same old with Biden's genocidal policies. Not that the majority of leftists in America care to push the democrats to stop arming Israel. as long as she is not a Republican that's enough to earn their vote.

    The hypocrisy of a country that joined WWII to free Europe from fascism and stop the genocide of the Jews. To end up funding them and becoming complicit of committing genocide on other people.

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    'I am speaking now': Harris rally in Michigan interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters
  • Funny how liberals cry about propaganda when their immoral support of genocide is challenged. the 50 thousand or so dead in Gaza are but a fraction of atrocities commited by the US and the NATO countries all around the world.

  • TLDR: I uploaded a video to youtube but youtube's trained AI script kept avoiding picking a thumbnail I emebeded in the video no matter all tricks and changes I made to it. prompting me to deleted the video instead of sharing my phone number for the privilege of uploading a custom thumbnail.

    First time trying to upload anything to youtube I knew that my effort will be wasted but I went with it none-the-less. I had spent two days recording a tutorial and hopping for a small view count, now I must say that I have dealt with google services in the past and my disappointment with them was unwatchable so I kinda had a previous taste of that.

    I uploaded the video and worked on the thumbnail to only find out that I can't add the thumbnail without adding my phone number to the account. I was hesitant considering I care about my privacy but also wasn't sure if it was worth it, considering I didn't have high hopes for the channel. so I was given the choice of three thumbnails, one screenshot at the beginning one at the middle and the last one at the end of the video.

    so I thought why no take advantage of that and re-encode the video with the thumbnail at the start and have youtube's script pick that. guest what ? I re-rendered the video six times changing the placement and length of display of the thumbnail at the beginning of the video. trying to animate the elements of the thumbnail and all sorts of tricks and nothing worked, youtube kept changing the time at which they picked the thumbnail and kept moving it further to the middle of the video all of this just so you can never post a video thumbnail without sharing your phone number.

    I knew they were vicious but not to the point of allocating resources and training AI on these sorts of shenanigans. I miss those times when we had workarounds for every thing.

    8 Digital Apartheid in Gaza: Unjust Content Moderation at the Request of Israel’s Cyber Unit

    This is part one of an ongoing series. Government involvement in content moderation raises serious human rights concerns in every context. Since October 7, social media platforms have been challenged for the unjustified takedowns of pro-Palestinian content—sometimes at the request of the Israeli...


    Are you guys fine with these new shenanigans from Github. I found a bug and wanted to check what has been the development on that, only to find out most of the discussion was hidden by github and requesting me to sign-in to view it.

    It threw me straight back to when Microsoft acquired Github and the discussions around the future of opensource on a microsoft owned infrastructure, now microsoft is exploiting free work from the community to train its AI, and building walls around its product, are open source contributors fine with that ?


    Today most Invidious instances are experiencing very harsh ip address rate limiting, it is becoming very very hard to watch yt videos through


    Worldnews .ml modding is on par with reddit's censorship

    I know that lemmy's moto is if you don't like it here make your own, but for communities with big sub numbers and where current event discussions happens. banning controversial political opinions is not what I would have expected from the fediverse after having left corporate media, which could be excused for having to answer to investors and what not!

    After I got a comment banned for what I think is nothing else but controversial, where it received quite the same amount of upvotes and downvotes, I took a look at that community's mod log, and there is nothing to be cheerful about. the same reddit mods have made it to the fediverse and are trying to turn it into the same hive mind other social media are, it is a shame it is turning out to this.


    Hi, I have noticed for three days now not being able to post comments from my account while connected via Tor (I was left waiting for a spinning wheel )! I thought at first It might be a problem with LW servers but after three days, I concluded they are banning Tor and VPN users from posting, I Have found a user post on their help community about VPN and tor ban.

    then I tried signing-up to but was greeted with a couldflare of non ending page reload after solving captcha. so I created this account hoping to test this instance and ask Lemmy users with privacy concerns about where this is headed and should we expect the rest of Lemmy instances to go the way of reddit and entirely ban users behind proxies ?

    The fact that very big instances hold the majority of the communities and discussions on lemmy and the fediverse in general is concerning. and adopting tactics like shadow banning and dark patterns is concerning as well. I dropped reddit for the same practices and I will drop Lemmy if it carries on like this.
