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Unity Claims PlayStation, Xbox & Nintendo Will Pay Its New Runtime Fee On Behalf Of Devs
  • Unity is so ubiquitous that it would have unimaginable consequences.
    For example, 90% of vr games are made in Unity. So that's one segment of gaming completely wiped off the map.

    Things are not much better in desktop and mobile gaming either, as Unity has close to 50% market share.
    It would be a literal Thanos snap.

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    Unity Has Apologized For Its Install Fee Policy and Says It 'Will Be Making Changes' to It - IGN
  • This is a huge opportunity for Unreal as well. I'm surprised they haven't announced some flashy on-boarding campaign.

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    How I imagine most Reddit moderators look
  • Pretty much this.

    I was asked to help mod a new community, and things were going pretty well for a year or so, but then the sub owner and the other mods gradually disappeared until it was just me and another guy left.

    Well, turns out they were moderating/owning 30+ subs on average. We both quit that day.

    I just can't understand what kind of ego boost they get out of being useless cunts in 30 places. How can such little power be so tantalizing to some people?

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    What was supposed to be "The Next Big Thing!" but flopped?
  • Most of these issues come down to insufficiently advanced tech.
    We're just now getting to the point where advancements in display and lens technology make it possible to get rid of the screen-door effect at no cost of clarity or FOV, for instance. (Varjo XR-3)

    I think 2 major things need to happen for VR to be truly mainstream;
    -Size needs to decrease, which increases comfort, so it no longer feels like strapping a toaster to your face. (Bigscreen Beyond)
    -More quality content needs to be developed for VR.

    PC gaming is mainstream as hell, and people easily spend over $2K on hardware, so I think price is kind of irrelevant (to a point) if people can shift the majority of their desktop gaming, and comfortably spend 10+ hours in VR.

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    Do you use a desktop, phone, or both?
  • Ditto. Except I use an old Nokia from 2007.

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    Half-Life 2 RTX, An RTX Remix Project - Announce Trailer
  • I played HL2 in VR and the original (but upscaled) textures still looked good.
    It would be great to play the RTX version in VR as well because it adds so much to the atmosphere. Baked in lighting is only good up to a point.

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    Researchers Expose Tricks to Jailbreak AI Tools and Gain Knowledge for Illegal Activities
  • "Forbidden knowledge" my ass. You can just Google these things.

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    Scientists, disturbed by anti-science and far-right content, starting to leave Twitter
  • Has the site really changed that much since the Muskification, or are people just exposed to more negative stuff because the Elon hate-bandwagon is amplifying everything?

    I don't use twitter at all, so I have no frame of reference.

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    Scientists, disturbed by anti-science and far-right content, starting to leave Twitter
  • Really? Because as far as I know it's a pyramid scheme.

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    Running With Scissors Studios gives permission to pirate games
  • Bold of you to assume they even went to business school.
    All the big wigs I've met were "self-made millionaires" -meaning assholes that used, manipulated and fucked over enough people to reach their current positions.

    Also, tax evasion.

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    The streaming model is cratering — here's how that's hurting actors, writers and fans
  • It's infuriatingly stupid. It makes me read the same sentence 2-3 times before I understand what they're trying to say.

    We have a well established and clear distinction between 'streaming service' and 'streamer', why fuck with it?

    What's more, it's double stupid because now both 'streamer' and 'streaming service' means "a company" AND we don't have a word for individuals streaming on the web.

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    Pastor alarmed after Trump-loving congregants deride Jesus' teachings as 'weak'
  • Can you imagine the sheer weight of cognitive dissonance they would experience if it their mind wasn't slathered with industrial-grade denial?

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    Due to deepfakes and people getting really good at editing, there's only going to be a very brief period in human history where video could be trusted as evidence.
  • Photoshop has been around for over quarter of a century but you don't need a forensic team to tell something has been photoshopped.
    Tools to detect image (and video) modifications have been around and will continue to be developed alongside these technologies. We're simply entering a new era of media creation.

    When Photoshop became mainstream, people said the exact same thing, but somehow the world didn't end up on its head.

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    Superconductor Breakthrough Replicated, Twice, in Preliminary Testing
  • The entire story surrounding this discovery is a scientific rollercoaster ride, with rogue scientists, updated papers, plus cloudy definitions and process descriptions within the paper that make replication efforts more difficult, and even a Russian soil scientist (and anime catgirl) deconstructing the original Korean paper to unveil the trademark levitation of the Meissner effect over her own kitchen counter.

    I can't believe they just dropped all this without any explanation. XD

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    Deleting my Reddit comments was a strange experience.
  • The good news is that we are on the verge of building something that we own on Lemmy, where corporations won’t be able to fuck with us as much.

    Yeah, about that...
    Let's see what happens when Meta decides to federate Threads with the rest of us.

    I really hope you're right because I love this place right now. It's much smaller than other platforms but there's enough content for hours of browsing and the community is leagues above the rest of the internet in terms of quality of discourse.

    Outside of the fedi, I don't remember the last time I saw opposing views coexist in the same thread without one being brigaded.

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    Why are so many climate records breaking all at once?
  • It's really messed up how the world can be reduced to binary opinions.

    By definition, liberals think more freely and are willing to entertain new ideas. With that of course comes that some of those ideas turn out to be counter productive or straight up bad. Ideally, this is when real liberals acknowledge this and shift to something else.

    Conservatives on the other hand see this as a sign of weakness and misguidedness, so they take a stance rooted in what they "know" to be true. When that knowledge turns out to be false, they can't simply pivot because that would make them the same as liberals.

    Not to mention, sticking to your guns is so much easier than admitting you were wrong and starting from zero again.

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    Why are so many climate records breaking all at once?
  • I agree that the “it’s too late to do anything” mentality is just as bad as doing nothing, but at the same time I recognize that the scientific consensus is more and more leaning towards "it really is too late to do anything" in the short term at least.

    Certain gears have been set in motion that we truly cannot stop, but there are also other things that we can prevent if we act now.

    I just don't know where the line between the two lies.

    The next 50 years or so are set in stone, of that I'm certain.
    But after that, who knows whether the changes we make today will affect the climate in a meaningful way. One can only hope.

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    This is the Reddit app. They are making it really easy to want to migrate
  • Just last week someone retorted to me with "I've been using the official app for 2 years and I'm happy".

    I'm still not sure whether I was talking to an AI...
