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You Can Thank Private Equity for That Enormous Doctor’s Bill
  • They have been taking over practices since at least early 2010s.

    By the time this shit goes normie stream, the fuckening has already happened.

    Privacy is another example lol

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    "Maybe This is Too Cool" - After years of layoffs and pay/resource freezes, Amazon execs treat themselves to a private Foo Fighters concert worth millions
  • Jfc... You make so many assumptions that's more telling about you than anything.

    Protip: selfhosting and Yarr ;)

    Protip2: don't give money to gereatirc clowns, give money to up and coming talent who is a actually developing instead of milking their fame

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    "Maybe This is Too Cool" - After years of layoffs and pay/resource freezes, Amazon execs treat themselves to a private Foo Fighters concert worth millions
  • Bro... I don't go to concerts because fuck rent seeking parasites. Small venues only chief.

    I don't pay for corporate music. If I like the artist and they accept payments. I will pay direct.

    I am sorry you can't imagine a world without sucking some rich dudes' dicks.

    Simping for some celeb on here... I don't even know who these clowns are. They had like one hit wonder in 2000s. Wtf is u so worked up over?

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    ‘Solidarity over hatred’: the small band of Israelis stopping settlers obstructing aid trucks
  • Maybe or maybe not... Somebody within Israel is committing war crimes and it aint genocide Bibi. It is regular citizens.

    This issue is similar to Russia... At some point people will need to own actions of their criminal state.

    Germans had to do it...
