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What is a feature you wish Obsidian had but still doesn't yet?
  • Somehow collaborating on only part of your vault. I would love to replace Confluence with Obsidian, but having a "work vault" and a "private vault" cuts quite some links for me and I love jumping from one file to another so quickly, even if one is work related and the other one is just a private thing I need to quickly write down.

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    What a slacker
  • AFAIK it's been a challenge some people did on... twitter I think?
    Basically it's "Tell me you're XYZ without telling me you're XYZ" and people responded with funny answers.
    At some point that got turned around and people satrted to use that sencence structure to indicate that the thing they are commenting on would have been a great answer for that challenge.

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    Is Linux As Good As We Think It Is?
  • Love the image of wheeds just popping up all over your garden where you don't want them.
    It's a great metaphor for the "HEY, TRY THIS NEW THING!" shit microsoft pulls.

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    Is Linux As Good As We Think It Is?
  • Additionally much software (and hardware even more) primarely targets windows as a platform. The way printers mostly "just work"™ on Linux still amazes me, because printer vendors have all the incentives to make their stuff work for the most used platform, which sadly isn't Linux right now.

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    I legitimately want to run Linux as my desktop OS, please tell me how to meet my requirements.
  • Full disclosure: I ran manjaro as a daily driver for a while a few years back bad have been forced back on windows as well by company policy. So I'm not going to be the ultimate authority to answer your questions.
    All I wanted to comment is that with iTunes and Office you have picked two pieces of software by two companies that have a very strong interest in not letting you migrate away from them. I tried to migrate my gf's password manager from the iCloud one to bitwarden and it's amazing the hoops they make you jump through to get at your data. So what you might be experiencing right now is a thing called "vendor lock", and I wish you the best of luck for finding a way out. ;)

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    New Mozilla Logo Spotted
  • Yeah, I remember the first time I saw the :// thing I felt myself having a little design-gasm.
    This doesn't touch the same spot for me...
