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Wisconsin Republicans may consider impeachment if recently seated Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice does not recuse herself from redistricting case
  • They probably will go through with impeachment if she does not recuse herself. They know that they need to rig the voting process in order to win elections because at their core the Republican party is evil.

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    Take-Two CEO Says Red Dead Redemption Port Pricing Is 'Commercially Accurate'
  • Yeah I will probably wait and see if the price drops as well. I have it on an old PS3 which is OK but the controller isn't the greatest so having it on a new system would be nice. Just not $50 nice.

  • First GOP debate next month faces threats of boycott as lower-polling candidates scramble to qualify

    Seven weeks before the premiere debate of the 2024 GOP primary, anxiety is building that the event could prove messy and divisive for the party.

    0 Activists spurred by affirmative action ruling challenge legacy admissions at Harvard

    A civil rights legal group is challenging legacy admissions at Harvard University, saying the practice discriminates against students of color by giving an unfair boost to the mostly white children of alumni.

    0 Reddit And Twitter: The New Giants Of Anti-Social Media

    Reddit apps forced to close, as Twitter blocks users who aren't logged in. When did social media become so hostile?

    This pretty much sums up the last couple days. Thankfully we have Beehaw and Mastodon.
