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What’s Richard Stallman’s dream social network? XMPP!
  • We are discussing the porn itself, not what happened in the process of making it. If it were illegal to possess a video because it depicts a crime, then it would also be illegal to possess a video of police murdering innocent people, and we definitely don't want to go there.

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    gynocentric patriarchy
  • Programs to keep women barely alive so they can make more babies, maybe. But help them? Hell no; that's now straight-up illegal in half of the USA.

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    What’s Richard Stallman’s dream social network? XMPP!
  • How was he supposed to know, if no one ever told him? They didn't teach about child porn when I was in school, and Stallman is older than me.

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    What are your programming hot takes?
  • By “user” I mean the person who is using the application.

    Using exceptions for handling unexceptional errors (like invalid user input) is a footgun. You don't know when one might be raised, nor what type it will have, so you can easily forget to catch it and handle it properly, and then your app crashes.

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    What’s Richard Stallman’s dream social network? XMPP!
  • We kinda do need him, though. Very few people are as intensely principled as he is on the subject of computing freedom, and without him anchoring the Overton window, there's nothing stopping the Bill Gateses of this world from moving it.

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    What’s Richard Stallman’s dream social network? XMPP!
  • I think the problem there is that, for many years, nobody bothered to explain to him exactly why child porn is bad.

    Most people observe that everyone else thinks it's bad and don't question it any further. That's not good enough for Stallman, though, and for good reason: expecting him to unquestioningly bow to peer pressure is an insult to his intelligence.

    Someone did eventually explain the problem to Stallman. I don't know what exactly was explained, but my guess is that Stallman was told that child porn is non-consensual and therefore violates the child's privacy, similar to how revenge porn violates the subject's privacy. At any rate, after that discussion took place, Stallman did an about-face on the subject, and is now opposed to child porn like anyone else.

    Moral of the story: taboos and peer pressure bad; logic and education good.

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    Why are you on lemmy right now?
  • Hoping to see news that the US government has finally decided to stop the economy from melting down.

    I keep being disappointed…

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    unholy software..
  • And back at that time if you installed any flavor of Linux you were lucky if the OS install didn’t fuck itself over

    I was using Linux religiously back then, and this is false. As long as there's a driver for all of your hardware, it generally worked fine.

    But that “as long as” is doing some heavy lifting. The usual suspects were pretty much the same as now: Broadcom, NeoMagic, and NVIDIA. Some cheap printers and modems were problematic as well, but if you paid for good hardware, it would probably work.

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    If you were to run for higher office in your country, what controversial thing would the vetting process uncover about you?
  • First, despite there being multiple school shootings this year, school shootings are a tiny fraction of the overall homicides in the US

    Which are also often committed with guns…

    which are, in turn, dwarfed by the number of suicides committed with firearms.

    I'm not talking about suicide.

    Second, looking at your link you provided, you see a lot of things like, “A gun was fired during a fight near a basketball game at Appoquinimink High School. No injuries were reported”, and “Bullets struck two windows of classrooms at PS 78 in the Stapleton neighborhood of Staten Island. One classroom was occupied by ten adults, but no bullets entered the classrooms” being counted as "school shootings:, which you then compare to Columbine. You are intentionally, and in bad faith, conflating entirely different things, and placing them all under the heading of, “firearms near schools”.

    I did nothing of the sort. There are multiple bona fide school shootings in that list, such as the Michigan State shooting and the Covenant shooting.

    It is relevant, because it has different causes, and is thus addressed differently.

    That's not a meaningful answer. Let's have some details.

    Are you willing to engage in good faith, or have you already decided that the only solution is banning firearms?

    Are you willing to engage in good faith? So far, you've argued based on false premises (namely that school shootings are rare, and that there are no bona fide school shootings in the previously linked Wikipedia list) and evasive non-answers (namely that targeted violence at school is to be “addressed differently”, with no explanation of how). Doesn't seem like good faith to me.

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    Ukraine designates PepsiCo, Mars as 'international war sponsors'
  • Could've fooled me. I was under the impression we were sending weapons and trainers to one of our allies who are fighting them. Sounds like an enemy to me.
