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  • And here I am thinking "a sudden jump from English in the first panel to Spanish in the second would slap"

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    In Your Opinion what is the Most Emotionally Touching Line in Gaming?
  • "Are you crazy? We're gonna die down here while those fuckers live it large on a spaceship! They're not us! They're not us!!"

    "I'm sorry you feel that way, Simon. I'm proud of what we did. We made sure that something of the hundreds of thousands of years of human history survived -- that something lives on."

    The silence that followed after their subsequent cussing each other out and losing power was quite heavy, especially given everything else that happened to them; and SOMA really is one of the only games whose narrative really made me question what it means to be human.

    "Catherine? Please don't leave me alone. Catherine -- Catherine?!"

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    Elon's got Putin's back.
  • "If I had agreed to their request, then spacex would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation"

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't SpaceX be explicitly complicit in conflict escalation by interfering with Ukraine's ability to defend itself?

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    Lone villager won't restock
  • So, I somehow figured it out (?). Brought the villager over 200 blocks and waited 5 in game days. Nothing.

    Put down a bed he could reach, and he's now restocked. Never needed a bed before for this, so not sure when that changed. But now, he's not selling for 2 emeralds like I'd gotten him down to, not 22 emeralds like he originally was selling it for. He's now selling it for 54 emeralds.

    I think I'm just gonna walk away now.

  • I've got a library with a few villagers in it, one among them simply will not restock his Mending books. I've tried removing every other workbench, I've placed a bed under him, I've placed a bed in line of sight, I've stayed in the chunk he's in and slept for several days. Nothing seems to work.
