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Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be
  • It's probably great for bulk as it gives you something close to what you would expect. I imagine it would be different for things that are specific to the lore, world, etc.

    Could mean that there is a lot more detail in games, and a lot might even be unintentional.

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    What to try in a linux distro ?
  • As in part of a review process?

    Things like:

    • Software update process
    • Installing software which isn't in a repository
    • Seeing how the community is for support ?
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    We need to nationalise Google, Facebook and Amazon. Here’s why
  • Back before the media decided it wasn't a competitor but rather a potential profit source. I do think the government does need to have it's own alternatives (obviously not identical more on this one day) for other reasons, such as for it's own media releases, but more internationally coordinated appropriate & considered legislation is probably better.

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    Is there a bookmark manager that works like KeePass?
  • It's fairly uncomplicated just flexible and without guide rails so you need to figure out how you want to represent it yourself. I've used a separate space for my links compared to everything else which is just in my 'home' space

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    Is there a Git repository activity aggregator, like GitHub's user activity but platform independent?
  • I asked chatgpt to write a go program for this, this looks roughly correct (I have used both libraries before) obviously this won't be enough for your particular use case. I imagine you can integrate an RSS feed to your site, however if you're using something like hugo perhaps output it as a csv.

    Super low effort but a good start I think:

    package main
    import (
    	git ""
    	rss ""
    const (
    	timeout = 5 // timeout in seconds for the RSS feed generation
    // Repository represents a git repository with its URL
    type Repository struct {
    	URL string
    // Repositories is the list of git repositories
    var Repositories = []Repository{
    	{URL: ""},
    	{URL: ""},
    	// Add more repositories here
    // FetchLatestTag fetches the latest tag from a git repository
    func FetchLatestTag(repoURL string) (string, string, error) {
    	// Clone the repository to a temporary directory
    	dir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "repo")
    	if err != nil {
    		return "", "", err
    	defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
    	_, err = git.PlainClone(dir, true, &git.CloneOptions{
    		URL:      repoURL,
    		Progress: os.Stdout,
    	if err != nil {
    		return "", "", err
    	repo, err := git.PlainOpen(dir)
    	if err != nil {
    		return "", "", err
    	tags, err := repo.Tags()
    	if err != nil {
    		return "", "", err
    	var latestTag string
    	var latestCommitTime time.Time
    	err = tags.ForEach(func(ref *plumbing.Reference) error {
    		tag := ref.Name().Short()
    		commit, err := repo.CommitObject(ref.Hash())
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		if commit.Committer.When.After(latestCommitTime) {
    			latestCommitTime = commit.Committer.When
    			latestTag = tag
    		return nil
    	if err != nil {
    		return "", "", err
    	return latestTag, latestCommitTime.Format(time.RFC1123Z), nil
    // GenerateRSS generates an RSS feed from the latest tags of the repositories
    func GenerateRSS() string {
    	feed := rss.Feed{
    		Title:       "Latest Tags from Git Repositories",
    		Link:        &rss.Link{Href: ""},
    		Description: "This feed provides the latest tags from a list of git repositories.",
    		Created:     time.Now(),
    	for _, repo := range Repositories {
    		tag, date, err := FetchLatestTag(repo.URL)
    		if err != nil {
    			log.Printf("Error fetching latest tag for repository %s: %v", repo.URL, err)
    		feed.Items = append(feed.Items, &rss.Item{
    			Title:       fmt.Sprintf("Latest tag for %s: %s", repo.URL, tag),
    			Link:        &rss.Link{Href: repo.URL},
    			Description: fmt.Sprintf("The latest tag for repository %s is %s, created on %s.", repo.URL, tag, date),
    			Created:     time.Now(),
    	var rssFeed strings.Builder
    	if err := feed.Write(&rssFeed); err != nil {
    		log.Fatalf("Error generating RSS feed: %v", err)
    	return rssFeed.String()
    func main() {
    	rssFeed := GenerateRSS()
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    Cloning encrypted linux install
  • There are several ways of doing this, but you have to be wary of how grub is configured to boot off the disks, and how your /etc/fstab is configured.

    The simplest way probably is to just put the old ssd in a USB case, boot off a live usb/cd, then dd the disk (make sure you do it the right way around or there will be tears), then reboot. There are a couple ways this could fail still depending on config, but you can always put the old disk in if it does. Then once you're in the system you can use tools like parted/kde partition manager to resize the volumes once decrypted. -- And you will have your old disk as a backup the entire process.

    If you want to get more comfortable with this type of work install arch / gentoo and you will learn more of the underline processes making you more confident.
