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Key global powers fail to sign up to Ukraine peace summit communique
  • This war is happening because of the west. Period.

    This is just useless moralizing that accomplishes nothing and helps nobody.

    The RAND study I linked above explains who wanted casus belli for aggression in black and white.

    I think that you are not interested in peace in the first place but in Russia winning (correct me if I'm wrong). You have right for your own vision for reality (at least in some countries...).

    I don't to want to try to change your mind but at least take into consideration that this whole conflict is not as black and white situation as you trying to show. There is no such thing as the objective truth. And everybody lies at least at some degree.

    I just hope this war and war in Gaza end soon and everyone just will try to live in peace.✌️

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    Key global powers fail to sign up to Ukraine peace summit communique
  • Hundreds of thousands of lives have already been because of the support for the war from people like you, but that’s just not enough you need more people to die before you accept the reality of the situation.

    I don't need anyone to die, it's not my fault that Russia attacked Ukraine! I am from east Poland and we have literally millions of Ukrainians in our country, mostly refugees who wanted to run from war. My daughter plays on playground with Ukrainian girl, she even comes to our home. You can be cool about it but we've seen these people, we helped them. It's not that we want war, we want opposite. We want peace but also we want some justice, even little would be fine. From this point of view the proposition of Putin just cannot be accepted. Before II World War Hitler also was doing whatever he wanted, he took Czechoslovakia, than Poland and nobody wanted to do anything.

    Since that’s obviously not going to happen, I don’t know why you’re regurgitating this talking point that you’ve memorized. Also, the head of NATO has now publicly admitted why the war started

    I can understand that you don't like NATO, I think if NATO seriously wanted Ukraine to win they could do more from the start. NATO provided enough equipment to Ukraine not to die but not enough for them to win. But that's not justify all aggression and horror Russia brings. Moreover, Putin started conscription before he sent his treaty to not enlarge NATO. I think he just wanted casus belli for aggression. You can disagree with someone but it's not reason to fight with him. And why Crimea was taken? Why Yanukovych had to flee to Russia? Why Donbas war started in 2014? Putin planned to take control over Ukraine many years earlier and this war is his way to take control by force but it backfired. Putin thought that West is weak and he wanted to take advantage from it. Not liking NATO cannot be reason to say that Russia had right to do what they did.

    Wrong again, this was an offer that Russia will refer to when Ukraine is no longer in existence to point out that there was a way to save Ukraine that the west rejected.

    Sorry, I don't know what you referring to? Could you elaborate about this offer? Are you referring current offer or some earlier one?

    Don’t take it from me though, here is what western military analysts have to say on who will have the upper hand going forward

    I get it, Russia is master in attritional war but even they cannot maintain war forever. They are at war now and they stuck on border with Donbas. They progressing but very slowly. A lot depends on whom wins next elections in USA because Trump probably just will try to end war at all costs, no matter what.

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    What do you think of this prediction?
  • Yeah, I had many games on GOG, still have, and after I did full switch to linux using Proton is such great experience. I have Steam Deck too and it's just more convenient to get stuff on Steam, sadly. I've already finished Cyberpunk 2077 on Windows two years ago and I've recently wanted to play Phantom Liberty DLC. I've tried to install it through Heroic, Bottles and directly through Steam and experience to setup GOG Galaxy to maintain cloud saves and achievements is frustrating at best, but I've also noticed some lags and micro-stutters when using GOG client.

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    Key global powers fail to sign up to Ukraine peace summit communique
  • Lol, why being so aggressive? My skull is ok, thank you. Putin can stop this war at any moment if he want. He started war not other way around. He took Crimea in 2014 and it was good enough for him? No. How can you be so sure that these new territorial gains are good enough for him? I doubt it. The cost of this whole operation was gigantic in terms of manpower and military equipment. I don't think in his eyes this whole sacrifice is good enough. The biggest gain Russia got from this situation is that Putin got more internal power because he could more openly fight with internal opposition, realistically speaking. Even if he can remain new lands why it is so important? Once there was some good industry infrastructure but after aggression I doubt it would be great deal. I think that he wants to create more confusion in Western partners or just regroup. He can maintain this conflict, even Russia can take some more territories but we see already that's not easy and in the last year the initiative belongs to them but gains in this time are insignificant at best. If Putin really wants peace on these terms it's signs that he feels strongest now because if he would think otherwise, that he could take more lands, he would definitely take this opportunity.

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    Key global powers fail to sign up to Ukraine peace summit communique
  • Ok, I see that your pespective of this conflict is tottaly different than mine. But I don't see how exactly Russia is winning now. It's very a Pyrrhic victory at best. I don't know why exactly Putin starter whole thing but I am sure he still wants to take whole country. Agreeing on this terms (which are absurd IMO) it's agreeing for even bigger conflict in the future. And what's with all war crimes committed during this 'special operation'? I am from Poland and we see this totally different. Even from historical point of view I can see similarities to situation during II World War when nobody helped us against Germany and Russian aggression. I really want peace, but this 'generous offer' was not generous at all and I am sure Putin know this. From my point of view making such big concessions are inviting to another war after few years on much bigger scale and I am afraid of it.

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    Gen Z influencers who supported Biden in 2020 turn against him
  • I agree that all social media are dangerous. That's exactly why I don't use any mobile app related to Meta on my phone. Even on the browser I use feature of Firefox to create container tab (I don't remember exact name of this feature) and this is the only way I run Facebook - this way Meta cannot track your cookies of your browser. I would happily cole this account but sadly all communication related for my daugher school, housing community and with some of friends is made through Messenger... I haven't use any other social media.

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    Key global powers fail to sign up to Ukraine peace summit communique
  • It's very naive vision of peace. It's giving more time for Putin to prepare even bigger offensive. He still want whole country, that's for sure. Agreeing on this terms it's like your neighbour break to your apartment through the wall, brick up the door and he demand in the court to accept new reality.

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    Russia continues work on homegrown game console despite technology and scale issues
  • You are right, but you should remember that a lot of them fled the country to skip conscript. Moreover, games are made a very long time, 4-5 years minimum and it costs a lot of money. And to make independent platform you must create a lot of games because no one will buy it if you can't play at anything.

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    Gen Z influencers who supported Biden in 2020 turn against him
  • And why exactly it is prohibited to make fun of current trends?

    I think that social media (in general, not only TikTok) are dangerous in few ways. TikTok is addicting and decrease your physical and mental health (, it could be a potential manipulation tool and spying tool ( Costs overshadow profits.

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    Key global powers fail to sign up to Ukraine peace summit communique
  • I think, that "the other side" should be invited, but after Putin declaring his vision of "peace" I am more than convinced that he is not interested in any kind of peacful resolution of this conflict. If he can maintain and legalized any current territorial gains it would only be the fuel for future aggression.
