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Cursed wretched marketing
  • indeed. I hate ads. Even more forced ads of liquid sugar. Would have loved to see that red tree if only to prove that its not about the familiarity to the item.

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    How Diclofenac is killing Zoroastrianism
  • I wish more people would know about the effects of diclofenac on vultures and why vultures play an important role in our ecosystem

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  • Thank you for pointing out a mistake in a very polite way while being informative. You deserve an applesauce for making a better internet 👏.

  • Sci-Hub is a site to access scholar articles that are behind a paywall. The site has been involved in several legal cases such as Elsevier et al. v. Sci-Hub et al. (2005), a lawsuit filled by the American Chemical Society which was lost by default after failing to defend itself, and many other complaints resulting in ISP blockings and domain names being lost.

    There is an ongoing lawsuit taking place in India at the Delhi High Court, but its site (working, not working) has been down several times in the last months and the transcript of cases after 2023-09-02 are "unavailable".

    Overall, the future of sci-hub being a legally recognized entity (by India) looks grim based on the available transcripts but, is there another source for the current status of the case?
