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Valued GP ‘will be forced to leave UK’ after autistic daughter refused visa
  • Good job. Doing the country a great service.

    Edit: Should've added the /s Forgot that there are idiots out there who genuinely think it was a good decision to keep his daughter out.

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    Does Hungary still belong in the European Union?
  • That's a very good point. The center right (arguably now becoming more right-wing than center) would give in to VWs lobbying without any pushback whatsoever (as is usual). One can only hope they don't win the next national elections.

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    Does Hungary still belong in the European Union?
  • We propose the EU abandons its continued enlargement efforts and instead adopts a strategy of contraction. More specifically, it should reduce membership from 27 to 26 by managing the phased exit of member state Hungary.

    Yes! Get them the fuck out of the EU. They obviously hate being a member.

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    This is fine
  • I too only think of shit like twitter, tiktok, insta, youtube, etc. to be social media, but drawing the line is difficult. Why aren't forums social media? What are the qualities (or lack thereof) that define social media and those that don't?

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    What's your radical opinion?
  • If you're living in a Western country, odds are your consumption is double or triple of somebody in the global south, so you can up that a little. If you're wealthier, you can up that even more. It's not directly proportional to consumption, but that does play a bigger role.

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    What's your radical opinion?
  • Thank you for being realistic. Many people hear "blame" and immediately think in binary "I'm completely to blame".

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    India considers joining Russia, China to build nuclear plant on Moon.
  • But it would require a stable power supply – which only a nuclear reactor can provide, as the Moon’s lengthy lunar nights make solar energy unreliable.

  • The eyes have it: Men do see things differently to women

    The way that the visual centers of men and women's brains works is different, finds new research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Biology of Sex Differences. Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli, but women are better at discriminating between colors...

    > > > The eyes have it: Men do see things differently to women > ========== > > > > The way that the visual centers of men and women's brains works is different, finds new research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Biology of Sex Differences. Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli, but women are better at discriminating between colors. > >


    No more men's and women's league, no more "gender eligibility" requirements, a common dresscode, same standards and rules for all.

    Edit: since it looks like people missing the word let: the suggestion isn't to force desegregation. It's to allow it or even make it the default. Someone else made a good suggestion: segregate by attributes specific to the sport. In boxing it's weight class, in basketball it could be height, in biking it could even be doped and non doped. Sex and gender need not be the very first thing to segregate by.


    From credit card and payday loan commercials telling us to get into it, to people joking about the amount of debt they're in and also telling you to get into it, debt is a real thing that supposedly nobody should care about. Am I wrong here? Is it just normal to be in debt or should we try to fight this? \#debt #money #finance #jokes


    Which theoretical concept found its use decades, centuries, or even after millennia?

    After a short discussion on another topic, I was wondering about this.


    I just heard of a Non Educated Delinquent (NED) but that's Scottish


    When I saw MKBHD on threads available through flipboard, the thought crossed my mind. Wouldn't it be a game changer for the biggest websites to suddenly try to coax users and content creators with "one account to rule them all" solution?

    20 Civil servants cannot wear ‘fetish gear’ to work, minister confirms

    Staff at the DWP reportedly objected to the clothes of Saorsa-Amatheia Tweedale, a trans woman who co-chairs the LGBT+ Civil Service Network

    Staff at the DWP reportedly objected to the clothes of Saorsa-Amatheia Tweedale, a trans woman who co-chairs the LGBT+ Civil Service Network


    What's a "post-leftism"?

    Is it similar to the waves of feminism?


    What does it have to do with gaming? Or is there bug with my instance? I'm seeing !


    Or is it just a term made up to find an easier reason to reject job applicants?


    So it looks like the consensus is "overqualified" is a euphemism for

    • "I'm afraid you'll leave this job because I'm assuming you'll have better chances elsewhere" aka "you won't accept being my slave forever due to lack of opportunities"
    • "I'm afraid you might actually understand how shitty it is here and want to improve things. can't have that"
    • "I don't want to figure out how much to pay you when you know your worth"
    • "You cost too much"
    • "I have other reasons, but won't say them"

    Wouldn't they benefit from more people? Of course it would come with the condition of learning the language at an acceptable level and that being tied to residency.


    Visit and start planning a career that is meaningful, fulfilling, and helps solve one of the world’s most pressing problems. M...


    Unanticipated stories of how the upcoming changes to our planet will affect love, faith, work and family on a personal and human scale.


    Sometimes I click on instances to check them out, but has consistently been returning a 500 error however there are people posting from there. What kind of magic is this? Have the Germans figured out how to have a private instance that's somehow still connected to the fediverse? says it's down

    7 The Internet is starting to Break - Here's Why.

    Why big tech companies suck right now. Looking at you Amazon, Netflix, Uber, Spotify, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube...Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code BOSS for an extra 3 months free at Some of Cory Doctorow's stuff! Ensh*ttificatio...

    Youtube video

    Why big tech companies suck right now. Looking at you Amazon, Netflix, Uber, Spotify, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube...Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code BOSS for an extra 3 months free at Some of Cory Doctorow's stuff! Ensh\*ttification: End-to-End: I spend a LOT of time trying to make my videos as concise, polished and useful as possible for you - if you would like to support me on that mission then consider subscribing to the channel - you'd make my day 😁 For my tech hot takes: For my Personal Posts: Does anyone still use this anymore?: Amazon Affiliate links (if you buy anything through these it will support the channel and allow us to buy better gear!): Amazon US: Amazon UK: My Filming Gear: Music is from Epidemic sound:


    Dating apps are often a miserable experience for the participants, however for some reason they are quite popular and at times can be quite addictive.

    36 Quinn on North American Dota 2: “NA was dead before DPC, with DPC, and will be dead after DPC. The region is just permadead.” |

    Gaimin Gladiators' Quinn firmly believes that there is no reviving the North American Dota 2 scene - calling the region "permadead."

    Gaimin Gladiators' Quinn firmly believes that there is no reviving the North American Dota 2 scene - calling the region "permadead."
