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This isn't exactly Earth-shattering news but I thought it was neat and this community might enjoy it

0 Silicon Valley’s Best Kept Secret: Founder Liquidity

Ask most venture-backed founders why they get 10x more equity than employee #1, 100x more equity than employee #5, and 1000x more equity than employee #15, and you'll get the same answer: "I'M TAKING SO MUCH RISK, IT'S SO HARD TO START A COMPANY, I MADE A BIG MOVE!!!" And

This lib article bemoans that it’s only founders who get liquidity at startups, but it is still worth reading to have another datapoint on how the “risks” capitalists take to found their businesses are elaborate illusions: tech startup founders take millions behind closed doors, even at very early stages.

Always amazing to watch people realizing how they're being brainwashed about China by western propaganda.
  • I hope you’re right. I am probably just in a filter bubble on yt, but seeing organic content (i.e. not spooks) give this commentary about toronto contrasting with this commentary about China within such a short period (on a western platform!) seems to be a leading indicator that reality is catching up with media perception

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    Always amazing to watch people realizing how they're being brainwashed about China by western propaganda.
  • This is still a hot take in most western circles. I really hope that tiktok turns up the propaganda now that it's going to be banned anyway, especially during an election year to make more people see videos like this.

    My vibes-based analysis is that Japan is a US ally, and it still took something like 20 years for a majority of westerners to think of it as a nice place. China will be subject to relentless propaganda, so I think it's probably going to be around 2030 or later when most westerners realize China is a nice place.

    It's a pity to see 西方人小看中国. I guess the silver lining is that with racist western chauvinism clouding the vision of imperialists, they will continue delusional policies that underestimate China and overestimate their own capability, which is ultimately a soft strategic advantage for China.

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    ‘A Good Day for World Peace’: Biden Signs Aid Bill for Ukraine and Israel
  • Holy shit, NYT deleted that top comment to control the narrative. I honestly didn't think they'd be so bold. It's gone. The new top comment is:

    Good that we have funding for Ukraine. The funding for Israel should go to relief supplies for the people of Gaza and not the Israeli military.

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    ‘A Good Day for World Peace’: Biden Signs Aid Bill for Ukraine and Israel
  • No kidding. Also, spending $1 billion on aid, and $60 billion on weapons to kill the same people, is insane on its face.

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    ‘A Good Day for World Peace’: Biden Signs Aid Bill for Ukraine and Israel
  • Some good news - this is so on the nose that even the good liberal subscribers are not biting. Most upvoted comment atm:

    “It’s a good day for world peace,” - how utterly grotesque. I sometimes wonder if Joe Biden genuinely has no idea he’s going to lose in November.

  • ‘A Good Day for World Peace’: Biden Signs Aid Bill for Ukraine and Israel

    The $95.3 billion measure comes after months of gridlock in Congress that put the centerpiece of President Biden’s foreign policy in jeopardy.

    Something something orwell

    🤡Blinken🤡 discovers a genocide, just not the one his regime is aiding and abetting, turns out the actual genocide is not in Gaza it's in Xinjiang.
  • wow check out this fun genocide travel vlog in Xinjiang ✌️🤪! watch to see ebil ccp oppress the poor yogurt people ☹️. did you know westerners can just go there and see for themselves without any special permit? This guy is German and went visa-free. Cw: mosques, halal food, bazaars

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    Line Go Up!
  • I think this kind of meme is the best for lib agitation. Most don’t need to be convinced that people are more important than profits. Now we just need to find a way to insert the idea about just what kind of economic system prioritizes people over profits…

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    Argentina asks to join NATO as President Milei seeks a more prominent role for his nation
  • I wonder how history will explain these moves. It’s comforting to assume actors being rational, but this is a case of just the opposite guiding a country. Argentina is basically a vast expanse on the edge of the earth. What purpose could a military possibly serve for them? Their relationship with Brazil, their literal only credible threat, was good until recently…it’s just incredible that anyone is able to conjure a lens through which this looks like a good idea

  • A 12-year-old student opens fire at a school in Finland, killing 1 and wounding 2 others

    Heavily armed police cordoned off the lower secondary school, with some 800 students, in the city of Vantaa, just outside the capital, Helsinki.

    Finland is already reaping the rewards of NATO membership. May the burgerification of Finland begin!

    7 This Is Not ISIS - Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief on Moscow Concert Hall Attack

    Ukraine and West resorted to false flag operation in order persuade everyone that ISIS was behind the terror attack in Moscow concert hall, said Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of RT and Rossiya Segodnya, Sputnik's parent media group

    > “This is not ISIS. This is a well-coordinated team of several other, also widely known, abbreviations," Simonyan concluded.


    14 Micro-apartments are back after nearly a century, as need for affordable housing soars

    Boarding houses that rented single rooms to low-income, blue-collar or temporary workers were prevalent across the U.S. in the early 1900s.

    A century ago these would have been called tenement houses, but now we did a hip and cool Millennial rebrand: micro-apartments! The article spins this nicely:

    > The 180-square-foot (17-square-meter) room is filled with an air mattress where she, her partner and their children, ages 2 and 4, sleep. It’s also where they play or watch TV. At mealtimes, it becomes their dining room.

    > Boarding houses that rented single rooms to low-income, blue-collar or temporary workers were prevalent across the U.S. in the early 1900s. Known as single room occupancy units, or SROs, they started to disappear in the postwar years amid urban renewal efforts and a focus on suburban single-family housing.

    > Now the concept is reappearing — with the trendy name of “micro-apartment” and aimed at a much broader array of residents — as cities buffeted by surging homelessness struggle to make housing more affordable.

    Wow look at all this urbanist progress!

    German warship accidentally shoots US drone... but both missiles miss the target
  • If this is a modern version of a sedentary society going soft, then who are the modern steppe nomads that will sweep them?

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    They're doing their part, are you? Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.
  • Aren’t those articles dragging Russia for conscripting prisoners still hot off the press? lol

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    BuT HaVe YoU CoNsIdErEd tHe EnViRoNmEnTaL iMpAcTs oF LaB gRoWn DiAmOnDs?
  • Good counterpoints - thanks for taking the time to write this!

  • Lab-grown diamonds come with sparkling price tags, but many have cloudy sustainability claims

    Lab-created diamonds come with sparkling claims: that they are ethically made by machines running on renewable energy.

    I can’t believe someone unironically wrote this article. It’s completely transparent this is just ass-grabbing by the traditional diamond industry trying literally anything to deter people from buying manufactured diamonds. I wonder how much AP was paid to run this slop.

    Sure, it probably does have a lot of emmissions to manufacture diamonds. Let’s hope this deters people from buying vanity diamonds altogether! Good thing the traditional diamond industry is renowned for its clean energy practices, environmental stewardship, and working conditions. Unbelievable.

    Israel Was Behind Attacks on Major Gas Pipelines in Iran, Officials Say
  • What message are they trying to send by claiming responsibility for this?

  • Where Does Indonesia’s Prabowo Subianto Stand on Foreign Policy?

    The defense minister would likely follow the broad approach of President Joko Widodo, but with a heavier emphasis on defense.

    Definitely link a better article if you have one. It seems like this outlet is not too rabidly liberal. Overall, it looks like Indonesia will continue down a non-aligned path, which is surprising considering this new president is related to Suharto

    Chinese Douyin also misses the USSR
  • Permanently Deleted

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    Chinese Douyin also misses the USSR
  • Absolutely, and I love to see it. Another video I saw was on climate change, and the top comment was about how to apply dialectical materialism thinking to climate change.

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    Resources on Soviet Computing/Programming
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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • wow, this is getting ugly. good on Ben for walking away
