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Dictatorship isn't Left
  • I assume this is referring to China. Ask anyone in China about their generous social benefits, which are even more paltry than in the US, and you'll see how "left" the Chinese "Communist" Party really is

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    How do you filter ads and trackers outside of a browser while still using a VPN service?
  • A number of VPNs have anti-tracking/adblocking features, but idk how well they work -- I refuse to use an OS with OS level ads, so I never see non-browser ads

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    JD Vance
  • If ONE emo kid had befriended him in high school and showed him how he could talk to girls about Death Cab, all of this would be fine... There's a mirror earth where Rivers Cuomo is this in the W era...

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    Feels like so many tech bubbles are about to burst
  • The backlash to this is going to be fun. Having lived through the .com boom/bust, which wasn't a scam, the web was actually the future and was undersold if anything, no one with the stink of computer on them outside of a tiny elite could get decent fulltime work for like 5 years. AI is a scam, full stop. It has virtually no non-fraud real world applications that don't reflect the underlying uselessness of the activity it can do. People are going to go full Butlerian Jihad from Dune when this blows up the economy, and it's going to suck so much more for everyone in tech, scammer or no...

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    Sen. Bernie Sanders says he considers Harris ‘progressive’ and her policy changes are ‘pragmatic’
  • Imagine maintaining your integrity for the ENTIRE pre-2020 decades of abject neoliberal domination of not just the entire political system, but the very intellectual framing of everything from the economy to morality, and then you give it all up for Joe fucking Biden...

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    Dick Cheney is a war criminal.
  • The DNC is now the party of the neocons. Maybe Trump is so bad it's "necessary" but arguably in a two party duopoly that's effectively a sealed system, you're just swapping voters with the GOP to wind up still relatively 50/50, and I'm skeptical there's a geographical advantage to upper-crust, legitimately evil former republicans, who don't care for Trump's uncouth antics, as presumably most of those voters live in districts that are already blue-ish. You're literally giving up pro-peace voters in random districts across the country, potentially in tightly contested congressional districts, to run up your VA margin of victory.

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    Why is RetroArch such absolute garbage?
  • I find it works in most cases, but I have also seen it "just not work." I feel like your good "this does everything you need for this one thing and just works" apps like Retroarch and VLC have become FAR less reliable in recent years.

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    Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election?
  • I'd argue that's more archeoconservatism, what Trump represents and what has reinvigorated the right is more a regressive progressivism -- forging a sort of Dune/Handmaiden's Tale future that resembles an idealized past but is more a SciFi future reimagining of it, and government has an active role in producing that just as in normal progressive progressivism because you need the government to drive the change.

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    Would you sacrifice pro-trans campaigning for a Democrat win?
  • The idea that actual swing voters, who are largely tuned out of 99% of available information, actually care about specific policies is overstated on all but a tiiiny subset of issues (which trans rights are not one of). Virtually no specific policy actually impacts electoral success on non-base turnout voting on its merits, it's all campaign organization and media vibes, so I'd argue this is a false choice, largely. Nobody who isn't already on a side cares about your platform, they care if you're visibly embarrassed about your own platform (as democrats usually are about the 1% deviation from the GOP free market absolutism they dare in most cycles).

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    More Voters, Especially Women, Now Say Abortion Is Their Top Issue: Donald Trump is shifting his stance on reproductive rights, but voters, by a wide margin, say that they trust Kamala Harris on issue
  • Trump's political instincts aren't what they used to be. Giving ground on an issue, no matter how unpopular your position is, only helps your opponent because it tells low information voters "actually the other side was right about this all along and I'm bad on this issue." Unlike the DNC, which has never seen a position it would defend, the GOP usually has the political savvy to barge through, polling be damned, since the only thing the american electorate respects is strength. Glad to see them screwing the pooch, especially on this issue, but VERY odd for both Trump or the GOP overall to make this kind of DNC-flavored error of spinelessness that only helps the other party both structurally on the issue and during the election at hand.

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    Kamala Harris Now Wants To Build the Border Wall That She Called Trump's 'Vanity Project'
  • All political science research suggests moves like this are never a good idea. From the perspective of the campaign, they think they're "taking the issue away" but there's copious research about this specifically with immigration. What you're actually doing is telling voters the other side had better judgement on this issue and you've come around to their wiser view. This both signals to low information voters the other side has a better grasp of the issue than you and dispirits your own side. If you dig into the numbers, this move has never worked for anyone ever. This is typical of the DNC political expert class who are objectively bad at their jobs on a Poli Sci 101 level.

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    Freedom to choose
  • At some point you assume the dam must break with US healthcare profiteering, but they always find another way (which is why I wanted Obama to follow up on his 2008 primary promise to do Card Check for unions and not less than Hillarycare Romneycare bullshit he ran against the premise of, literally saying "if you could solve healthcare by mandating buying coverage you could solve homelessness by criminalizing it")

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  • But they won't because Biden's sole God is Netanyahu. He's like one of these Elon cultists, but for a specifically off-putting foreign war criminal from a foreign state who should rightfully be executed at The Hague alongside the Nazis if the international legal regime -- or Israel plans on existing later this century

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    How do you secure your bootloader without secure boot or why doesn't it matter?
  • At the point where the feds are paying Israelis millions to break your boot shit, they're paying dudes to watch you type in your password or any number of other things. I'd argue as long as you're not among the [number of prey] the predators are looking to take down at the back, for whatever category of shit you're in, you're fine

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    Don Lemon: Trump campaign unsure what to do with Harris
  • I remember a time like six weeks ago when blue MAGA would have given this concept 100000 down votes. Funny how times change in two months with people who basically a human botfarm
