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What are your dental hygiene tips and hacks
  • I do the xylitol gum! I think countries in asia regularly markets this as part of good dental hygiene for those reasons you listed. Some of the gum containers advertise, white healthy teeth. Not sure why the US doesn't promote xylitol gum more.

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    What are your dental hygiene tips and hacks
  • Yep, while driving, stopped, or parked and trapped in the car with whatever task is involved in the commute. I keep a little trash container in the car for normal trash and just chuck the placker in there when done.

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    What are your dental hygiene tips and hacks
  • This is for all my floss-averse people out there: put floss plackers in your car. I floss way more this way than in front of my sink. Yes, not optimal dental hygiene but there's just something that just clicks in my head and makes me want to do it when driving around vs literally any other time.

  • Looking to upgrade from a Ninja 650R - had both of these bikes as my top picks and trying to get some opinions on both bikes as far as value, comfort, quirks, etc.

    As an adult, what seemingly childish things do you get excited about?
  • Inclement weather. Any kind really but the bigger, the better. Snow flurries, a really big thunderstorm, howling wind - I turn 5 years old again every time. Just overcome with excitement and fear and awe.

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    The Battle of the Ovaries
  • Wait, so does conception start at the mission briefing? Or the general's speech? Asking to inform my local politician.

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    Would you choose invisibility or teleportation?
  • I think this depends on what invisible means. Does it mean no detectable signature - IR/thermal, scent, sound, etc.? Or just not on the visible light spectrum for humans? If not detectable at all, I think it would hold greater value for information gathering and have a lot of useful applications in hostage and other criminal situations, as well as state security through a very useful means of tradecraft. All that's out the door if a couple of rottweilers can sniff me out though.

    It's a bit of a monkey's paw question as having either power puts a huge burden of secrecy as well as the threat of danger on yourself and whomever you choose to share knowledge of it that with.

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    Choose wisely!
  • Is it just 1 pill for one-time use? I need this information to know if I can reuse some of these pill options.

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    Excluding the obvious ones such as politics, what topics can't you stand listening to people talk about?
  • Usually it's culture that's not their own, from a position of expertise. Theres a fairly good chance of putting out some really bad info and it can also come off as racially or culturally insensitive - which I want no part of. Extra cringe when it's your own culture that they're talking about and you're put in that awkward position of having to do an ackchyually...

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    The joys of being alone all the time
  • I watched my dad fall into depression after retirement. The same for a family friend who was able to retire early in their 40's. I think a lot of people only plan for the financial side of retirement and don't plan for post-retirement hobbies and activities. It took these 2 people's examples to open my eyes a bit and start planning for a heavy hobbying which will also look different from light hobbying where you are still committed to other things like work and raising a family.

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    How can a naturally anxious person keep from worrying while laid up in bed with a broken ankle and leg?
  • Not with a broken leg and ankle but I've been overcome before by situations like this. I know there's a lot of advice in here already to manage the anxiety, but here's a few things you can actually do:

    1. Make a list. Write down everything that needs to be taken care of. Pets, bills, work, rent, school work...just write down everything that comes to mind. Write down deadlines and where you are going to come short.

    2. If you are not on heavy pain meds, start communicating. There's a good chance that some deadlines can be pushed back, work can find you extra hours, friends and family can spot you. Even creditors may be willing to help. You have a situation that is entirely provable with hospital records.

    3. Depending on your life situation, you may be able to find government resources, charity groups, etc. Just by calling around you could find a connection inadvertently that can help. I found pro bono legal services once when an someone tried to sue me because a charity group i called knew someone from another group.

    4. Adjust your list and prioritize what needs to be done first. I think just putting things down on paper/word doc takes a lot of burden off your mind. You know you won't forget what needs to be done and it helps to have all the info in front of you when you need to communicate.

    5. Sudoku. Optional, but highly advocate that or some kind of problem solving game.

    Good luck to you, friend. Speedy recovery.

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    What's your weird physical habit?
  • If its just one item that shocks you, I wonder if there's a permanent solution like taping dryer sheets to the legs or something.

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    What's your weird physical habit?
  • Yep that's exactly the thought process behind it lol. I've walked into and out of a couple interviews doing this because the alternative is usually the hand recoil plus an "ow fuck".

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    What's your weird physical habit?
  • During the cold season, I will give all metal door knobs and door handles a little whack first with my hand before grabbing. I hate the static shock that may or may not be waiting and the whack absorbs it in a way I can anticipate it.

    I thought this would be more common but I don't really see anyone else doing it.

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    Hawaii.... King of the squids?
  • So a few reasons:

    Hawaii has a non-mainland, dont-look-like-you're-trying-too-hard kind of vibe. Business people don't wear full suits downtown. You're not even supposed to show up at the interview in a suit or you'll look off. Unfortunately this crosses over into motorcycle safety. So if you ride all geared up, you'll look like you're...not from Hawaii.

    Island infrastructure is also pretty delicate. Traffic can be frequently gridlock and unpredictable. There's been a few cases where a traffic incident shut the entire island down for most of the day. Add that it's hot most of the year and you get tank top riders.

    Most island residents, probably most of the ones you see riding, don't have high incomes and Hawaii is one of the most expensive states to live in. Gear is expensive. And they got that bike from their cousin.

    Source: From Hawaii and rode there too.

  • What do you think of Hawaii's Airbnb laws so far? Is Airbnb Legal in Hawaii? Yes, but it’s complicated - The Hawaii Vacation Guide

    Booking a vacation? You're probably wondering, is Airbnb legal in Hawaii? It is! But it's complicated. We summarize what you need to know.

    My family is split on this. Overall I think it's more of a bad thing that really only benefits the big hotel chains. Has this new law affected anyone here negatively or postively?


    Just finished Adrian Tchaikovsky's Children of Time. One of my top reads, let alone sci-fi reads, for the past couple of years for sure. Super well-thought out concepts, good character development, and an irresistible hook that will take you out of your comfort zone when you find out that you really don't know who you are siding with!

    Has anyone read this or any of Tchaikovsky's other works??
