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1,626 Books Were Banned in 2022...We Reviewed Them All
  • I remember rather enjoying hating Tipper Gore and all that ludicrous PMRC bullshit. I don’t think we ever took it that seriously… it’s not like they actually managed to ban anything; they just slapped some really effective “buy me!” labels on a few records.

    Today’s version feels more insidious. I never felt like Tipper Gore was one step from decompensating and starting a race war. These folks, though—there’s violence just under the surface.

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    Reddit is getting rid of its Gold awards system
  • If he’d had any insight, he’d have realized Reddit’s structure wasn’t a good vehicle for monetization and gone the way of Wikipedia/Jimmy Wales. He’d be popular and respected now and probably able to extract a decent living from it.

    But his insistence that a square peg be pounded into a round hole will end up with him being neither popular nor respected—and he’ll never sniff that moonshot IPO.

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    Immer wieder Montags - KW27
  • War letze Woche Dienstag in London, Mittwoch bis Freitag in Edinburgh, Samstag bis Montag in Alicante, gestern Abend einen späten Heimflug der auch noch verspätet startete, bin heute um Mittag aufgewacht, hatte keine Ahnung wo ich war.
