🙄 you're not any better than people blaming non-voters for the election & you're not convincing anybody with that BS any more than they're convincing you
Why not, instead, work to stop the trolley from killing anyone?
I could ask the same of you! Instead of helping fix the system you're blaming other people for their personal voting choices. Get it?
The trans community is very diverse and many subcultures develop within it. Blahaj memes are just sort of like a marker of one of those subcultures ("Reddit sapphic skirt goes spinny" vibes) which is not bad but doesn't come off as particularly general purpose (and maybe that's by design). That said, maybe we can work something out.
It's a nuanced and very "online trans discourse" topic basically. I'm afraid to even write this, lest it be interpreted as me "picking sides". But I would add it's just another iteration of the same stuff people have been arguing about in Usenet communities since the 90s.
Yeah but you should see our discord servers, boards, hashtags, and subreddits (previously: forums, irc channels, and Usenet)... talking about migration here from what is likely a much more diverse pool of people
I just. The girls are always fighting basically. They might not be fighting here right now. But if you bring the girls the fighting begins over like fuckin'. The most petty stuff you'd be amazed if you're not trans yourself
Anyway I made a post on blahaj.zone we'll see if they're open to it especially as a first landing zone for Reddit refugees
Why the fuck would you put peoples humanity in computer science terms. You know what? Don’t answer. That’s some Nazi shit.
You have no idea what my politics are and you’re assuming A LOT that simply isn’t true about me. I’ve been against the DINOs since well before Trumps first term
Ok I don’t have time to continue debating this sorry I’m trying to get a Lemmy server set up so I can hopefully hedge against the incoming bans on all our transsex communities now that fascists have fully taken over
That’s the politest way I can think of saying what I’d like to say so we should probably stop. Thank you & goodbye please never contact me again
Aight well I don’t find any of that to be incompatible with my POV so 🤷♀️
I get it you don’t like harm reduction. Some of us do though why do you have a problem with that
I’m definitely checking it out! I do believe there’s probably a happy little bubble of people in there of the sort I personally tend to vibe with. But I’ve vibed with a lot of different types in the community over the past 20 years
The main thing it’s taught me is that when people strongly advertise as one particular type of trans they tend to be hostile toward other types of trans who they see as harming them.
Or other times they pleasantly surprise me and I observe other factions sling mud at them regardless & nobody gets anywhere lmao
I think Discord users will move wherever they need to in order to survive impending bans.
So I take your word for it sort of. The name itself of referencing blahaj will turn off a lot of transsex users and it’s a nuanced conversation I could write a book about. Transmedical is also clearly viewed as synonymous with gatekeeping as per someone camping the name.
Whatever a persons personal views on internal trans politics may be, the community is very diverse and there’s lots of infighting. For hosting medical information I think it needs to be a place where regardless of which faction people come from they’re not afraid of being banned unless they are explicitly harming others (not just disagreeing with them)
Maybe if I hang around longer and get to know them my concerns will be moot. I’m open to that and am fully willing to admit I showed up 2 days ago/am only going off vibes (but so will incoming users be going off vibes)
That’s why I edited my comment to advertise it at the top later (it’s me who posted the long ass Lemmy comment)
Though I would add I am still new to the fediverse and am not familiar with the owners of lemmy.blahaj.zone
I also think in the long run we need instances that are heavily vetted and defederated from the main instances. Growing from private Discord server alliances seems like a healthier option in the long run
Oh I didn’t see this is lemmy.ml. You’re making a false equivalency sorry. Both parties are bad but one is clearly less bad by a mile.
Anyway I said what my personal preference is. I’m allowed to have an opinion on the trolley problem while also acknowledging it’s one of the most famous problems in philosophy precisely because so few people agree.
The DINOs failed to win the election, I still think they’d be less bad than this.
Personally I pull the lever in the trolley problem. Not pulling the lever definitely doesn’t equal washing one’s hands of the outcome.
No you see, they don’t want to hold politicians accountable. They’d rather bootlick while blaming individual voters for being stuck between a rock and hard place.
I wish these people could understand that blaming people for voting “wrong” is literally the opposite of democracy and just devolves into nothing ever getting better.
Like you shouldn’t have to do that, people make good choices when they have good options!!
So by your logic we should just roll over and allow them to run roughshod over our rights then while we debate every minute detail of our bodies and whether they affect competitiveness in silly games.
Got it. The general population has barely any attention capacity for this so let’s just keep playing on the conservatives terms then. Great effort.
For every conversation you have about hormone levels you could be raising awareness of far more pressing issues in our community and calling conservatives bluffs instead of falling for the red herring.
No the most important thing is that the government has no business getting involved in policing young girls bodies in order for them to be allowed to go have some fun with their friends and team mates on the field.
High school sports don’t even need to be that competitive to begin with. It’s not a professional league.
In your attempt to problematize 1% of 1% of 1% of the population here, when school admins and doctors are fully capable of handling it themselves, conservatives are running roughshod over the humanity of every cis girl with broad shoulders, every cis girl with a hormonal issue like PCOS, every cis girl who’s period gets delayed because she’s athletic, etc.
Those are the vast majority of victims who are harmed by the type of thinking you’re intellectualizing over here. Cis girls. Who now will be forced to prove their bodies are acceptably feminine in order to play.
Of course they’re doing all that to trans girls too but nobody cares about that. So as a trans woman I tell you: go ahead and do it I dare you.
If that were true you would have replied by ignoring their red herring (women’s sports) and brought the attention back to the real issues—lack of access to medical care, criminalization of trans legal status, etc.
Instead you decided to debate them over nitpicky “biological advantage” arguments which just reinforces the myth in the minds of readers that the only thing we have to lose here are silly games for entertainment and fun. That’s exactly what they want and you fell for it.
Uh huh. As if this 1% of 1% are only ones of us who have lost our hobbies in the wake of having our life saving medical care revoked. So we should all make the conversation about them.
Do you have any idea how much losing access to HRT and surgeries disrupts a persons life and hobbies? How much a sex change in general does that? There isn’t a single one of us among us who hasn’t had their life knocked off course by a sex change it’s not that special.
Sports is a losing issue that sucks up all the air in the conversation and leaves the rest of us dehumanized. Conservatives know it that’s why they chose it.
Response to your edit: THEY HAVE ALREADY STOPPED DOING THAT AND YOU STILL THINK ITS ABOUT SPORTS. That’s the entire point. Stop fighting on their terms. Every time they try to make it about sports change the subject to what matters.
I wound up revising that part out on my second read. But for anyone reading this quote yes I did that in my OG post. And it’s true I just didn’t feel it flowed with the rest of what I wrote
You know what? As a woman who’s had a sex change, I am so tired. I could not give a shit about this mods opinions or any of this topic from anybody.
It’s quite simply a topic that loses us support for emotional gut vibe reasons that have nothing to do with rationality. And for what?
I’ve never played women’s sports. Nobody trans I’ve ever met plays women’s sports because we’re all fucking afraid of it and always have been.
We are less than 1% of the population and of that 1% maybe 1% is anywhere near ballsy enough to even begin to try in this environment let alone having the resources to try competing on top of much more pressing matters like surgeries and hormones.
Are these people ignorant and on the wrong side of history here? Absolutely.
Have transsex people been playing sports for decades without issue and without dominating even one out of hundreds of different sports? Absolutely.
Are they just making shit up about transsex bodies based off nothing but unchecked stereotypes and ignorance because they only ever notice the most visible and non-passing ones and have no idea how many of us are stealth? 1000% you betcha.
Could whatever nuanced future issues be resolved by simply introducing additional classes according to measurable biological traits like weight or shoulder span in the few cases where perhaps one day there will be reason to? Yepppp.
Is this whole conversation actually just misogynistic control over women’s bodies that will ultimately harm quantitatively more cis women than trans women? Yep!! And they are better poised to tackle that than us when it does.
And yet? I want everybody to shut up about it because we have far more pressing issues at hand. When it comes to women’s sports the public has made up their mind and the facts don’t matter.
We’re losing access to life saving medical care, being deplatformed, and criminalized for existing in public and y’all still think this is about pointless debates over sports. The public does not have much bandwidth in their minds to spare on us & it’s imperative we get off this topic.
If someone thinks I’m a “biological male” who shouldn’t play women’s sports I don’t frankly care. As long as they don’t interfere with us building robust community organizations to ensure everybody has means to survive the Nazis in coming years, it’s fine.
Frankly they can call me a biological male all day if they want to deliver some hormones to a girl who needs them. They’d still be stupid and wrong but at least useful then.