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Why limit immigration?
  • Many people believe that too much immigration causes the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group by means such as the disintegration of its political and social institutions, of its culture, language, national feelings, religion, and its economic existence.

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    how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?
  • Life's unfair. Always has been and always will be. Imagine someone making half what you make, and sitting less, and not feeling like a loser about it.

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    General population decline trends in the last years is actually a good news.
  • It's both good and bad. In theory more people gives more labor power and we can produce more than we can consume. But today we devastate the natural world and produce too much waste and poison. Birth control helps but sustainable living is the way forward.

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    The Floor Is Comfier Than Beds and Couches
  • Agreed. Couches and cushions make poor posture, carpet collects dust, and most fabrics shed microplastic. Never be ashamed of your thirst for clean hard wood.

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    Is it good employer strategy to pay my employees just enough so that they can't save money, so that they can never walk away from the job?
  • No. The best strat is to pay as much as you can and treat them as well as you can so that your best workers stay happy and stay longer. Don't let your most cavebrained competitors beat you on talent and leave you with the underperformers nobody else wants. If you can't afford to invest in quality then you're already losing.

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    Community college is a joke and shouldn't preclude entering a 4year as a Freshman.
  • Disagree because the rest of the education system is also a joke, and indeed the economy is a joke too. No need to gatekeep here. It's funny that you're terrified of people going to CC.

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    What is something you would like to see in a game?
  • Activate god mode and gain a small fraction of the power of the developer. You can edit the actual source, brick yourself, and quick reload from within the game. Show me the real errors with the file name and the line number.

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    Hunting and fishing are for psychopaths
  • Disagree. It's a childish opinion easily refuted by anyone with just a basic understanding of communication. Clearly you've never had a single conversation with a farmer, hunter, or fisherman.

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    How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy?
  • You build resentment when you act in a way that's not in full accordance with yourself. Notice the problem and try to do something about it. You can change your behavior or change your mind.

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    Do cravings tend to be indicative of deficiencies?
  • Rarely. Common food cravings follow a druglike addiction pathway more than a nutrient deficiency one. Beyond the known drugs in your food like the sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, you'll crave weird features like the texture, blandness, or familiarity. Pay no mind to the unrecognizable chemical ingredient cocktail known only to increase profits.

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    It's only "just a joke" when you get called out on it.
  • Disagree. Find better friends. Me and my friends stayed up all night last night telling yo mama jokes. She's got a great sense of humor. She called me daddy but I'm not your father.
