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Gas stoves increase nitrogen dioxide exposure above WHO standards – study
  • Because the thing that knocks out the power is freezing rain / snow mixes. When that's happening I conclusively prefer being inside.

    And replacing my current setup with a similarly function primarily-electric setup would be expensive even ignoring my preference for being partially off-grid. Right now I don't have 220V to my kitchen at all. Decent induction stoves aren't cheap, especially with space constraints. My cookware is all appropriate for an open flame (e.g. cast iron, enameled cast iron) and while it may work with an induction setup it wouldn't be optimal there.

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    Gas stoves increase nitrogen dioxide exposure above WHO standards – study
  • I live in a rural area. Electricity goes out for like a week pretty consistently every year.

    I've got a propane generator, but running a stove off of it rather than just using the propane to run the stove seems silly. If power goes out for too long, I'll turn the generator off, be without electricity, but still be able to cook.

    The health risks of propane seem pretty marginal to me. If I were going to try to change my energy sources for health reasons my wood heat setup would be much higher priority.

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    German far right’s Höcke wants to kick disabled kids out of regular schools
  • The zeal for equality is the marketing line. Believe it or not, the bean counters did the math and figured out it was cheaper, at least in the short term

    That'd be less bad if this particular educational structure wasn't getting mandated as a "legal right to equal education", with any alternate structure being fought at every step by an array of institutional forces.

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    In California, Car Buyers Are Choosing Electricity Over Gasoline in Record Numbers
  • The Kia Niro is pretty close, although if you're really serious about making it dumb you'll need to pull the cellular modem. It doesn't depend on any internet services, but it does connect to the internet to get nearby charger data.

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    Incandescent light bulbs are officially banned in the U.S.
  • I can't find such a study, and it seems extremely unlikely to me that any such study was performed recently. The original law was passed in 2007, and then the regulations were in political limbo for more than a decade.

    My base hypotheses here, subject to easy refutation by any real evidence, are that:

    • The DOE has looked at no study from after 2007 to justify their current policies.
    • This regulation is going into effect now simply because it was on the list of stuff Trump did that the Biden admin reversed.
    • The effect on consumer electricity costs and carbon emissions are negligible, since LED bulbs are a decade cheaper and better and almost everyone voluntarily buys them.
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    Incandescent light bulbs are officially banned in the U.S.
  • Once you're doing resistive heating any resistive element is just as efficient as any other. Incandescent light bulbs have three advantages: They are cheap, easy to work with, and it's really obvious when one is turned on.

    As for your link, it's talking about arguments about which books should be made available at school and local libraries. In no sense is that even related to the federal government banning books.

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    Incandescent light bulbs are officially banned in the U.S.
  • the impact on actual electricity usage is going to be massive.

    Is it?

    How many people are still installing new incandescent bulbs in 2023?

    Is there an actual study showing the expected costs and benefits of this rule, or is it purely political posturing?

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    Incandescent light bulbs are officially banned in the U.S.
  • Does anybody use incandescent light bulbs as radiators?

    Yes. I've done it personally a couple times.

    Because it's the only alternative use I can think of.

    The thing about alternative uses is that they're still real even if you can't think of them.

    Broad bans are a bad policy tool in general. Even if you believe in the progressive ideal of expert regulators making broad societal policies, a simple thought experiment shows the problem: What would it take to do the study to accurately determine all the negative effects of a ban? Not guessing, not wishful thinking, but really collecting and analyzing the information.

    I wish people were as mad when books get banned, but sadly it's not the case

    When was the last time the US federal government banned a book?

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    Incandescent light bulbs are officially banned in the U.S.
  • And heat is not ready a concern. You can touch most LED bulbs with your bare hands with no risk of severe burn.

    This very clearly indicates that you haven't seriously considered this issue at all, and are just supporting your political faction with no reflection on what the unintended consequences might be.

    A common application of incandescent bulbs is to produce heat, for a variety of use cases. The typical example is an improvised chicken incubator.

    Consider very carefully why there's an exception for traffic signals.

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    Incandescent light bulbs are officially banned in the U.S.
  • Because imagining that someone might have a legitimate reason to want a product or service that a regulator might not have thought of is currently a "Republican" trait in the US.

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    Meta is so unwilling to pay for news under a new Canadian law that it's starting to block it on Facebook and Instagram in that country
  • Sure, and non-profit digital radio stations will never need to pay for music streams.

    No, we've been watching how this sort of nonsense plays out for decades. If what you want to do is not contemplated by the regulatory deal, then it'll end up illegal.

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    Canada launches warning labels on each cigarette
  • The lessons of the 20th century have mostly been forgotten. Re-learning them is going to be very expensive - not just in money, but in lives.

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    "Showing 3006 changed files with 79,968 additions and 18,966 deletions"
  • The issue isn't whether the "company cares".

    It's whether they end users fix your own problems, or force you into techno-feudalism where the only way to get a problem fixed is to hope the company cares enough to fix it for you.

    The simplest example of Nvidia completely failing here is old hardware support. AMD cards doesn't have that problem because the drivers are open source and upstream. These new Nvidia drivers don't sound like they'll help - they're not maintainable and therefore not upstreamable.

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    Stephen King wrote a whole ass book about this.
  • That discussion tactic results in groupthink to a level that even coherent positions on the broad issues get obscured by conformance to factional stereotypes.
