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Demo Star Citizen with OpenTrack Neuralnet head tracking plugin (4k 30fps)(on Linux PC)
  • It does have some protocol overlaps especially for UDP. Not that it's very complicated but it helped me when I implemented this in FreeSpace Open to get head tracking working on Linux PC too πŸ€“

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    Demo Star Citizen with OpenTrack Neuralnet head tracking plugin (4k 30fps)(on Linux PC)
  • Can't tell for sure either. It Lag feels slightly higher but perfectly fine for trying some head tracking without investing in additional hardware. This depends a lot on the processing power, of course. Cam doesn't matter that much. It seems to read with only ~540 px width or something and any webcam of the last decade should manage ~50 fps with that πŸ€”

    I'm also uncertain what the current penalty is for running this on Wayland via gamescope, which is really bringing my rig to it's limits.

  • It has been a while that I tried Star Citizen. With the new Neuralnet Tracker plugin (AI haha) for OpenTrack we get head tracking without annoying IR LEDs or reflecting stripes just by reading the webcam video feed. This is apparently fast enough to try head tracking without a dedicated head tracker nowadays. And all that on a Linux PC. Took some fiddling but the concept still works. What a time to be alive.



    Retiring the Legacy Launcher
  • Basically get Lutris and running the LUG-Helper:

    Alas "VM" and "performance" don't fit together.

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    Retiring the Legacy Launcher
  • I play with a 6700XT on 5760x1200 nowadays:

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    Servus! Willkommen auf
  • Wieso auch? Ist die auf .de tot? Habe ich [mal wieder] Drama verpasst?

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    Retiring the Legacy Launcher
  • The SC LUG just rocks 🀘

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    Retiring the Legacy Launcher
  • Uh oh… hope that one works better on Linux.

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    β€˜It has officially happened’: Mechanic says he can’t work on your car because they’ve officially been locked out of computer systems
  • Some argued that the new requirements were to protect cars from theft.

    Car thieves: Oh noeeees… anyway 🀷

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    Dr Disrespect finally shares why he was banned from Twitch
  • Heh, probably for the better 🀣

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    Dr Disrespect finally shares why he was banned from Twitch
  • Say… how far on the dark side of the moon am I living if I never heard about this streamer before? xD

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    And They Had A Plan
  • I don't think it's that amazing in person but here you go: Have patience. It's backyard hosted.

  • Back in 2023 I started a new game in #Satisfactory where I did set out (on a whim) to build the #BattlestarGalactica – and fair warning: I never finished it. I found some measurements of this iconic ship from the #BSG verse online, which is apparently something like 1.44km x 551m and converted this to 179.6 x 68.9 Satisfactory Foundations (look Mom, a game made me do MATHS again).

    Finding a spot with enough space was a task on it’s own and I settled for the West Coast in the end. This is so close to the edge that the game starts to kill the player because the map ends there. This is also a Vanilla game with no mods.


    After laying a square for the proportion and being somewhat satisfied (haha) with that I started refining the outlines. This took ages and some mad image editing skills to scale photos with correct proportions and overlaying them with a grid in the Gimp editor. Ah well not really but you get the idea.


    The goal was to build a mega factory inside the hull working with the given layout. Vehicles and trains would pick up all required resources and bring them in via the fighter decks. I kinda imagined what could have happened if the Galactica crashed on a planet after her last journey. Using the powerful engines to power machines that would aid in starting with a settlement program or something like that, while the former ship itself would get decommissioned and transformed piece for piece.

    ! !

    I am rather happy with the result, even without ever completing this. My gaming focus shifted a lot and with the announcement that no further early access updates would happen I kinda lost interest in the project. I am not expecting to complete it once the release drops. That’s okay though. I am still looking forward to said release.

    I mean after ~850 of casual hours I kinda have seen it all. Best early access ever – and yes all on a Linux PC – as usual for me 🀘I’m very curious what else the devs will come up with for this title. Anyway, here are the rest of the 16 screenshots. This shows more of the inner ship including the various power plants and reactors.

    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    Thank you Coffee Stain Studios for making such an entertaining game. I enjoyed every hour of it and despite this being basically an endless grind game it never felt like grinding at all. Heck, thinking of all the possible ways to transport, collect and divide stuff is endless fun for me ❀️

    Mebbe something for too πŸ€”

    Originally posted at:

    favorite gaming medium?
  • I get the charm of a console for gaming. Just switch it on and go. Still prefer a PC at the end of the day though. For once my preferred genres are very unrepresented on consoles and since I dabble in DIY I do not have that level of freedom on a console or mobile phone. Well, do some extend. Fiddling around with key remappers that hijack on the accessibility system is horrible. Anyway, I enjoy tinkering and this is not really something consoles are known for, no?

    This said it is very amazing that I can just e.g. fire up Waydroid nowadays, connect an X360 controller and play AmongUs with the little one on my Linux PC. That level of possibilities is mind boggling.

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    Thoughts on Space Games, Part 3: Too Many Tiny Games!
  • Quite an impressive list (together with the other posts). And here I thought I was a space nutter (thanks Beyond The Frontier!).

    Missing the slug throwers Diaspora: Shattered Armistice and House of the Dying Sun though. The former is an Open Freespace mod in the BSG verse with a great campaign, the latter a rather short but still very nicely done pew pew that shines especially on sound effects (and I guess VR but I didn't try that). Both do TrackIR though (and I even hacked together an OpenTrack provider for the native Linux version of FSO).

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    Release lug-helper v2.17 Β· starcitizen-lug/lug-helper
  • Nice πŸ‘Œ Was just updating today (a lot, not just SC) and had some serious trouble to get SC running again but in the end it started just fine. No idea what it really was in the end. Tests were inconclusive. Mebbe I should start over with a fresh prefix someday.

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    What's this thing called?
  • Whenever I order I always get a male and female connector because the terminology doesn’t seem to be consistent across connector designs.

    Heh, there are a lot of unusual designs that are neither and both too :D Connectors are wild.

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    Casual UT2003 CtF match [against bots] in 2024 πŸ€˜πŸ€“πŸ€˜
  • I wonder where my 04 install went xD

  • Casual UT2003 CtF match [against bots] in 2024 πŸ€˜πŸ€“πŸ€˜

    In 2020 I checked some old backup disks of mine and found to my utmost joy a copy of my former UT2003 installation. This is a Linux native 32bit build that is now over 20 years old. Well, LinuxGami...

    ⚠️ grandpa gaming inbound

    In 2020 I checked some old backup disks of mine and found to my utmost joy a copy of my former UT2003 installation. This is a Linux native 32bit build that is now over 20 years old. Well, LinuxGaming is hard because who can support 500 distributions, right? This worked just fine in 2020 on Fedora 31. Today I gave it another spin in 2024 on Fedora 38 on Wayland with PipeWire πŸ˜€

    Hell yeah, the muscle memory is still there πŸ€˜πŸ€“πŸ€˜

    (tbf the SDL1.2 compat lib rocks most of this but it's really all still there)

    The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise
  • dunno, it's for the flowers 🀷

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    Is there still going to be Linux support?
  • Hope they fix that EAC bug first eventually. I mean currently all Linux PC gamer (or really anyone who killed their EAC) is just… tolerated. That'll change whenever they flip the switch :-/

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    You game with a controller, my game is the controller. We're not the same.
  • Smol update here too: Made a tiny demo video show-casing the cockpit in action in Elite Dangerous πŸ™ƒ

    Pick your poison: /

    Just slaughtering pirates (wasn’t in the cockpit for months) but you get to see it from a first person perspective this time because I strapped the camera to my headphones πŸ™ƒ

  • As an avid[1] X4 Foundations player I'm more than happy that I stumbled over today.

    I couldn't find a cross referencing link from their website [yet] but I did check back on their Discord and got the confirmation by belgoray that this account is indeed official

    [1] I'm really batshit crazy about this game - heck I even hacked it to sideload an UDP server to interface with my home cockpit πŸ€“


    Wingman - An X-Wing Story | Star Wars Fan Film was released today. It's a Star Wars fan movie with 50 minutes length and plenty of pew pew.


    What you see is a glorified DIY joystick controller with a LCD ('MFD') and plenty of RGB inspired by a VF-1 (Block 6) Valkyrie of the Macross franchise.

    I use it mainly to play Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, X4: Foundations and plenty of other Space Pew Pew.

    !Three monitors form a wall around a box that embeds a fourth monitor, many buttons and switches in various colours are also implemented. Some LED display the status of a spaceship. The computer game that is played with this contraption is Elite Dangerous Odyssey

    It's mobile and can be stashed easily because my battlestation is, unlike most gaming rigs, also my workstation and has to move a lot. It's also frequently occupied by my kids who also love clicky buttons and compete with me for stick time :D

    !Three monitors form a wall around a box that embeds a fourth monitor, many buttons and switches in various colours are also implemented. Some LED display the status of a spaceship. The computer game that is played with this contraption is Fly Dangerous

    It's completely DIY and made on a budget (no really). It's also Work In Progress, like probably any home cockpit out there.

    !Picture of the building phase of the frame. One unpainted panel is already screwed to the wooden frame. Other panels do not exist yet or are still cardboard mockups

    For the PC it's just a joystick and an additional display. The magic starts to happen when I manage to interface with the games to display live game data and adjust the blinken lights depending on the current ship telemetry.

    Am I crazy? Yes, probably. It's a hobby and when Corona happened indoor hobbies became kinda a thing again πŸ€“

    Edith says: Should have added this from the beginning: I do foster a project website that has additional details, pictures and videos: 🌐 (yes it's slow - hold the line :P)

    Videos are usually mirrored to πŸ“Ή or πŸ“Ή (pick your poison).

    Additional content may be found on 🌐 or on ☠️
