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Here’s how much Valve pays its staff — and how few people it employs
  • Easy to employ so few when you dont rarely make games anymore

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    Looking for a photo map software
  • Okay so it's very much not FOSS (we're talking upwards of a couple hundred $ / month) but Esri's StoryMap feature through their ArcGIS software suite would allow you to do exactly this. Having used StoryMaps though, this is by far the most comprehensive way to do something of this nature. You can upload GPS data directly to the software, export the map to the ArcGIS Online suite, then create a storymap from there. StoryMaps can be panned, animated, zoomed etc to your heart's content.

    Your other solution would be with QGIS, which is FOSS. I don't think they have a StoryMaps analogue, but I've heard "QGIS2WEB" sort of works like that.

    I believe Google Earth Engine also has this capability but it's only free for academic & research use. Also NOT FOSS.

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    Ron DeSantis Doesn’t Like Bike Lanes. Floridians Seem To Agree.
  • As always, paint is not infrastructure. What we need is bike lanes that are actually, physically separated from the road. While I've seen a pretty optimistic share of drivers not drive in the bike lane, there's still an unfortunately high amount of people who gladly will.

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    Let's discuss: Journey
  • I played journey for the first time when it was posted to PC and consequentially went on sale on Steam. Very good game. I tried to connect with the guy who I played the majority of it with but he didn't speak English and I don't speak much Spanish so it kinda fizzled.

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    What's a hobby or interest of yours that you really love explaining to others?
  • Oh that's fun to know. Mines at 46k right now.

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    What's a hobby or interest of yours that you really love explaining to others?
  • I can definitely check later. The gauge does go up to 160 mph but id be surprised if it can even go 120. Fastest I've gone in it was 90.

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    What's a hobby or interest of yours that you really love explaining to others?
  • can you tell me something cool about my 2012 Nissan Rogue AWD. I've had it for a few years and I think it's really lame so something cool to use to flex against other people would be awesome

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    What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to?
  • Skate 3 is a fantastic choice.

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    What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to?
  • I have over 4,000 hours across all the trackmania games. So that, I guess. Most is 2,000 in United followed by a couple hundred in all the rest. 1,000 in trackmania 2020

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    If a person from 1700 asked you your job, would they understand your answer, and if not, how would you explain it to them?
  • Not even really that but people tend to think that others have just outright stopped making maps. "Haven't we made all the maps already?" Is a common response I get when I tell them. They seem to forget about data analysis and all that.

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    If a person from 1700 asked you your job, would they understand your answer, and if not, how would you explain it to them?
  • "Shopkeeper" would be a pretty damn good job title too compared to retail.

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    If a person from 1700 asked you your job, would they understand your answer, and if not, how would you explain it to them?
  • I'm currently in college to go into GIS (Geographic Information Systems/Science) and lemme tell ya I think more people in 1700 would understand "cartographer" than they would today.

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    I hate the term "Boomer Shooter"
  • Oh no boomer shooter means very fast FPS, it just has old-school mechanics like health packs, a large loadout, arena-style gameplay, stuff like that. Things that were considered outdated when games like Battlefield and COD rolled around in the mid 2000s. Like you're not supposed to take cover in DOOM, but you are in Battlefield.

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    I hate the term "Boomer Shooter"
  • Those are tactical shooters. If it's a simulator like ARMA then the term "milsim" (military simulator) is also used. Good example of a non-ARMA tactical shooter would be Ready or Not, Squad, Insurgency, or S.W.A.T

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  • Well good thing I don't care what they think

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    Announcing Ibis, the federated Wikipedia Alternative
  • I don't think they're suggesting wikipedia currently is "best researched and sourced," just that a federated alternative wouldn't automatically solve that issue.

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  • They're right though, soccer is boring

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    Best PS2 games?
  • Interesting, I heard cod 3 was the worst one

  • I bought a PS2 about 6 months ago from a coworker and finally got around to getting it working at a good enough resolution on my monitor. I currently have:

    • GTA 3
    • GTA Vice City
    • Gran Turismo 3
    • Matrix: Path of Neo
    • Katamari Damacy
    • Midnight Club: Street Racing

    Any other suggestions? I know off the top of my head I want to get the SSX games, maybe some sports games, and of course the MGS titles that came out on PS2. Anything else?

    0 Scientists aghast at bizarre AI rat with huge genitals in peer-reviewed article

    It's unclear how such egregiously bad images made it through peer-review.


    I got the urge to play the witness for the 3rd (or maybe even 4th) time again after being slightly disappointed by the Talos Principle 2, and man I cannot express enough how much I enjoy this game. It just satisfies something deep inside me every time I play it. And I know a LOT of people (probably some here) strongly dislike this game, but for me it's just sublime to play. Relaxing yet challenging, mysterious and layered, it's great in my opinion.

    It does however deeply annoy me how misunderstood the game is. Mostly from people who didn't play it all the way through. You'd be surprised how many times I've heard somebody complain about an aspect being "useless" or not making any sense when it IS useful and DOES make sense as long as you just keep playing the game. Also what's frustrating is when somebody complains about stumbling onto a puzzle they haven't learned yet in an open world puzzle game and then refusing to use the open world to go and find where it teaches you... idk. Anyway, LOVE this game. If there's anybody reading this who's into puzzles, especially 2D puzzle games, you may love the witness (but your computer might hate you, it's surprisingly graphically intense at times)


    I made a post on r/civ (Civilization games subreddit) showing a really funky shaped randomly generated river I saw and most comments were fine but one guy was convinced that I went through the comparatively monumental effort of opening the map editor and changing the river for karma, as opposed to just starting the game and taking a screenshot.

    And just to top it off another guy saw the fact that my scout unit was in the far north of the map and went on an obscenely condescending diatribe about how "ackshually" I should be placing my units in the far south of the map because that way I can explore better and whatever the hell. Dude did not stop for one second to consider that maybe the scout that was in the far north was exploring the cool river and that I didn't waste any production points on him because I got him for free from a tribal village...

    God every time I go on that website (because let's be honest not a whole lot of good communities here for what I'm interested in) I get excited to share something super innocent and then some total loser has to come and ruin it all.


    I love skate 3 and have been super excited since they announced the game was in development. I even played the alpha on PC but it was fairly sparse so there wasn't much to do. I've heard the beta tests now are more filled in but I have yet to get invited to those ones.

    Any other skate 1/2/3 fans? Any thoughts on the new game?

    (For people out of the know, this is not a newly released game but it was announced in 2021 and has been steadily in development since.)

    3 Senate aide out of job after purported sex tape apparently filmed in Senate hearing room | CNN Politics

    A Senate staffer is out of a job after the publication of a video appearing to show two men having sex in a Senate hearing room.
