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Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war
  • Marxist-leninist account made inconsolable from others that say supporting a country resist russian invasion is worth fighting and funding a defensive war. Go figure

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  • I would actually believe it if those vegan users dgaf about being vegan and are just trolls using a controversial topic.

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    Tav and getting affection
  • Laezel didn't need that much to start trusting, just a person she wasn't obligated to fear and hate and kill. I think I just made myself sad

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    NATO apologism
  • I think Ada is afraid of ever hurting a trans person, like by excluding them from their community, even though their job is to moderate users on the trans instance.

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    NATO apologism
  • Maybe people who hold power are all conniving bastards to some degree, and all of them should have their dirty laundry aired.

    Makes me think lemmy tankies can't admit even their saints are flawed humans, too, because that'd mean they could never become perfect and can't bear ever being wrong.

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    Loving USA Culture
  • To me, pointing out, "America has culture too!" Feels dismissive of how the most brilliant "American" cultures developed specifically in spite of being segregated from and exploited by the dominant American culture. It's not called the bureau of native american affairs for a reason.

    I guess I'm not ready to reclaim an American identity before all others.

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    This happened a while ago but the irony is just so palpable
  • I'm actually glad MLs have ramped up the pro north korea talk recently. I was starting to doubt being against these users that claim to be progressive, but then I saw them defend a clear-cut present-day dictatorship.
