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Over 10 years later 7 Days to Die is going to leave Early Access
  • And a lot of the work over the last 10 years has been repeatedly reworking the same core systems. So it’s just different rather than significantly better. They have made improvements, but it’s somewhat diluted by the side grades

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    Nvidia advises crash-prone gamers to look to Intel for assistance Video memory-related errors are Intel's fault, Nvidia says
  • Disclaimer: this is going off of memory of a thread I read a while ago. Inaccuracies are guaranteed.

    I will look for the thread which discussed it, but for WH3 some claimed that it was a result of the Nvidia cards trying to use too much memory at once when loading into a save. There was some launch option you could set to avoid it or you could turn down the graphics settings before loading in and turning them back up once loaded into the campaign map. Doesn’t help for MP where you’re stuck at the lower graphics settings the whole time (but at least the game will still run)
