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[Fresh Album] yeule - softscars
  • That’s a change up I wasn’t expecting. I’ll give this a listen, but now I’m almost expecting to be disappointed lol

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    Overtaking 500 cars on a bicycle!
  • So what I’m hearing is we need to make the alternatives like bikes and trains and busses more appealing to use for people with better safer cleaner infrastructure

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    What are your favorite news sources?
  • Man.. used to be twitter and I don’t have a replacement yet. You could just follow all the journalists you wanted over there it was great. But now I’m migrating away from the app.

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    What's the Best Non-Alcoholic Alternative to an Ice Cold Beer at the End of the Day?
  • I find tea to be a great solution to this as well! I have a gong fu set, and learning about the complexities and trying different types is really great. I'm a huge coffee nerd and I've also always loved beer but have been cutting back significantly on the latter. Coffee would fit the bill perfectly except that it's too high in caffeine content - and a good decaf that fits what i'm looking for is hard to come by.

    enter tea! It's perfect. Much lighter caffeine content so it's perfect to enjoy in the early evening. And there's so much complexity and rich history to learn about in the process which feeds the beverages nerd in me lol.

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  • Ya I saw that and threw it into an edit on my comment as well. Cool art tho. I spent a while looking at the album cover while listening cuz it’s so interesting

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  • This reminds me of the album cover for Gezan and Million Wish Collectives album from this year called Anochi. I didn’t know them prior but they’re a pretty fun sorta experimental art rock/punk band of that interests anyone lol

    Edit: I did the research, and turns out it is perhaps unsurprisingly the same artist!

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    My favorite roaster at the moment: Madcap
  • Coffee is global so technically speaking most good coffee isn’t from the States, though thats not saying the US is in any way lacking in amazing coffee. It’s just a big world!

    I think I buy about 70% foreign and 30% domestic these days. But the quality isn’t any different! I just like to get a global sampling :)

    Omg that old madcap design had more info about the coffee on it too! The sleeve on it had a lot of details which can only be found online now while the coffee is in stock!

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    My favorite roaster at the moment: Madcap
  • Here’s the old bag design!

    Current favorite roaster is a very difficult to answer question lol. It’s constantly changing but I’m a really big fan right now of Nomad in Barcelona, April in Copenhagen, and Leaves in Tokyo. In the US, I love Onyx in AK and Little Wolf in MA!

    I have little wolf’s blue cupping spoon and i really like it.

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    Coffee station (until I cave to the siren song of espresso)
  • Ha! It's not the lack of enjoying espresso for me, it's the lack of funds to invest enough where i'd be happy with my at-home output! But I can make a killer filter coffee for relatively cheap at home.

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    My favorite roaster at the moment: Madcap
  • Aw yay! They're my first favorite roaster. I owe my biggest hobby to madcap. I was back in GR recently and got to go get a few cups from there again. They had a quality dip around the start of covid because their head roaster left, but after a year or so they were right back on track. I miss the patch on their bags though!

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    New Coffee Arrivals!
  • Oh nice! First whole bean is really exciting. Tinker is pretty good too. If you live in that area, my favorite roaster around there is probably Indie Coffee Roasters ( It's been a long time since I had Tinker coffee.

    How'd you like the coffees?
