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Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • Nothing comes to mind. DRM literally means digital rights management and unless you wanted to be petty, like blocking a certain person from using your app, then DRM for something free is not something that I can think of a use case for.

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    Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • Enforcing payment comes to mind without resorting to in-app purchase or any account creation. A lot of desktop software is a good example of those. Sure, you can still have cracks and whatnot, but then again, that's not the point. Might as well ask what is the point of Denuvo. That is a whole other discussion.

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    Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • Yes, that's my point. Android "doesn't" have to use Google Play Store, but it is convenient. Other store fronts exist like F-droid and many vendor specific one. Google just provide the DRM mechanism like steam does provide DRM via steamworks

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    Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • What I mean by that is, this is just an API/SDK for app developers to use. Google does not enforce the use of such things. Much like steam does not force the use of their drm for example (please note the difference between the marketplace and the drm). App developers can always choose how they make and distribute their app.

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    Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • Ehh, this is basically just another form of DRM. No different than you having a Steam and GOG model. You can make your apps using DRM and enforce certain constraints

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    M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable
  • Sometimes you just can't guess the domain name of a company you know. Also, it doesn't help that most companies website are fucking nightmare to navigate so having the relevant page on the first click is nice too

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    Karaoke place
  • Well, remember the news when one of those fucker even continue the procedure despite the patient SCREAMING in pain and he just doesn't care?

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    TIL to keep track of units
  • Well, ease of use I suppose. Just look at us capable of using basically anything as an energy source. Imagine a machine that is not finicky on how they got their energy. The problem for any such machine will always be efficiency. You cannot do more work than the energy that you put in a system. Such machines will need a stomach that is capable of processing "food" at the same/greater speed that it is spending its energy. Not to mention we usually use machine for heavy, energy intensive task, so I doubt such stomach will be useful for any meaningful machine.

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    TIL to keep track of units
  • I think the commenter mean using artificial stomach for machinery to convert food into energy that the machine can use

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    Maybe It Should Be Illegal To Instantly Delete A Website's Archives - Aftermath
  • Hmmm, yeah it gets harder to associate it with physical reality when user generated content is introduced. Maybe an archival of said content is mandated but then again, who is going to serve the archive. In the case of youtube, it would be almost impossible

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    Maybe It Should Be Illegal To Instantly Delete A Website's Archives - Aftermath
  • Huh, the difference is that a website is not akin to a public park but privately owned park with or without entrance fee. The owner is nice enough to open the park and let you do whatever you want for free with the cleaning and maintenance is paid by the owner, but when the park is closed, would you still say the owner should still be forced to maintain it?

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    What is your preferred API error response and why?
  • The transport is usually TCP/IP tho. But nowadays QUIC is trying to make it UDP. HTTP is specifically an Application Layer Protocol from OSI model

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    What is your preferred API error response and why?
  • It usually goes down like this on some security heavy system: It does not know that a queue is missing. It does however know that it cannot access that queue. When an error is thrown on a secure system, usually the first thing to check is the privilege. If the queue does not exist, so does the privilege to access said queue hence the first error being thrown.

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    Seeing big companies take advantage of BSD or MIT licensed projects without sharing their contributions will always pain me.
  • Last time I checked GPL doesn't require you to broadcast your modification to everyone. Just anyone that receives your modified program. Let's say that Google is modifying Linux kernel for their server infrastructure. If google never release that as a product, then google has no obligation to share those source code.

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    An advice from Grandma
  • Yeah, but as you said, it is highly dependent on the implementation. Theoretically it is possible that the user is also seeding the previously downloaded/streamed chunk (via WebRTC for example if using a browser). That reminds me of a madlad that stores data on a ping packet (see suckerpinch channel on youtube, specifically his video titled "Harder Drive")

  • So I usually browse the internet at random and sometimes stumble upon some interesting games. Today as I was going to sleep however, I remember I saw a game that I cannot for the life of me find the name again. Not even in my search history (as I regularly wipe those). Can anyone help me find it again? Here is what I know:

    • I didn't find it from steam. And if I remember it correctly, the developer doesn't publish it there either.
    • The game website is quite "old" IMHO. Their website is styled like space with galaxy and stuff.
    • The game features advertised on the very front page is freedom to become anything. Either a trader or even space mercenary
    • I remember the screenshot of the game UI is like stellaris, with a star view, ship control and such
    • I don't really remember if the game is online only or not. But most likely not

    I know that seems very generic but I am really hyper focused on finding it and failing. I think I also found the game by recommendation somewhere on lemmy.

    Edit: It is Starsector
