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Playing [Texas’s] energy market has become more profitable than mining bitcoin
  • Homeowners aren't signing contracts where they agree to use exactly 450MW of power at a constant rate 24/7 for the entire year. The problem with "Free market" utilities is that they are reliant on private sector contracts like this to fund expansion

    From a business perspective, if the grid can handle the residential load 99.9% of the year, paying these businesses to cut usage during that other 0.1% of the time is a LOT cheaper than expanding their service to add one more decimal place of uptime that sits idle for the entire year

    Cloud platforms like AWS/Google/Azure do something similar, where you can rent unused servers for pennies on the dollar with the expectation they can be reprovisioned by someone else on a seconds notice

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    Degoogle Chromium help
  • It's not uncommon to see certain sites to only work on chromium because the dev used the filesystem APIs that don't exist on FF

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    ELI5 Using python virtual environment in docker container.
  • It's not necessary but there is no reason not to.


    • production and development programs are more similar
    • upgrading your base image won't affect your python packages
    • you can use multi stage builds to create drastically smaller final images


    • you have to type venv/bin/python3 instead of just python3 in the run line of your dockerfile
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    New idea for a language course
  • When you teach a child what a dinosaur is, you have to do a lot more explaining than when you try and teach an adult what a dinosaur is in french - the child isn't just learning a language for those 10 years.

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    The Covid vaccine just got a lot more expensive—if you're uninsured
  • COVID has long lasting effects across your entire body, it impacts your immune and cardiovascular systems for years after you get it.

    Risks of heart attack, stroke, etc are increased 2.5x in the year after infection, increasing exponentially with the number of times you have been infected. In fact, the risk of pretty much ANY health problem skyrockets following a COVID infection.

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    Where to start with Microcontroller and Python ?
  • So I would say that if you’re explicitly trying to use Python, a Pi is the way to go.

    I will point out you can run micropython on a lot of embedded boards now. I haven't used it, so I don't know if it's actually good or if it's more like those software-gore "here is my python package for building web front ends that is somehow worse than JS" packages you always see on python boards

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  • Yes, but if someone trips over the cord there is a 50% chance the wrong side comes unplugged and potentially kills them, hence why they don't make these cords

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    Defining usage of AI better
  • This seems more like a collection of examples than an actual attempt at a definition.

    At its core, AI is a program that takes a given input and returns the output that, during it's training phase, would be expected to minimize it's error (or maximize it's reward).

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    Linux on non-PCs/Laptops
  • More, but not way more - they would be licensing window IoT, not a full blown OS, and they wouldn't be paying OTC retail rates for it.

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    Ubuntu will use the latest version of the Linux kernel for new releases moving forward
  • They are saying they will build their upcoming OS on whatever the RC is several months before the OS release date, with the understanding that the Linux kernel will be out of RC by then.

    The way they did it before, if the kernel wasn't stable by the feature freeze deadline, they would use the older one, meaning by the time the "cutting edge" (non LTS) ubuntu OS ships, it's using a 2-or-3 releases-ago kernel

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    Infamous $30 Logitech F710 called out in $50M lawsuit over Titan sub implosion
  • I haven't used dual shock so I can't speak to that, but as far as Xbox 1/S controllers, there is no 1st party support - literally all the drivers are from some non-MS affiliated GitHub page. 360 controllers required the xpad driver as well - that isn't 1st party support. Yes they work out of the box with steam if you are using a wired connection, but that's because it's going through steaminput (not 1st party either), and making the controls of the submarine dependent on being launched through steam is even more absurd. Gen 2 series 1/S controllers didn't work via Bluetooth for a long time after they (silently) launched on most LTS Linux OSs due to the kernel missing requisite BLE functionality

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    Infamous $30 Logitech F710 called out in $50M lawsuit over Titan sub implosion
  • That's only assuming the sub was running windows, where Xbox controllers work out of the box. On Linux there are no first party drivers, and Bluetooth support on the 1/S controllers simply didn't exist at the time this happened. If it was an embedded system there would be no support whatsoever.
