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  • the owner, dessalines, is a massive comrade and writes fantastic essays. you should check out his stuff

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    What are some things that Linux can't do, but Windows can?
  • not really. its just different

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    What are some things that Linux can't do, but Windows can?
  • you can do that on linux too. just double click the .deb

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    Is this normal on Reddit when a country gets formally accused of genocide?
  • how do these pictures associate anti-Semitism with anti-zionism

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    What's your favorite music player on Linux?
  • I'm a DeaDBeeF fan. i used it on windows and still use it on linux

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    Dual Booting: How in god's name?!
  • that is exclusively how i use it, thanks for the tip

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  • xing jiang

    fuckin lmao

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    How would you feel if Beehaw left the Fediverse?
  • bye bye we won't miss u

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    Dual Booting: How in god's name?!
  • thank you for the suggestion! i ended up uninstalling pop and windows then doing windows first but i appreciate the suggestion

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    Dual Booting: How in god's name?!
  • i have done that successfully at the cost of my sleep schedule lmao.

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    Dual Booting: How in god's name?!
  • this is indeed, pretty damn weird. I'm going to go with uninstalling pop os, and getting windows first on the smaller drive, then getting either KDE Neon or Linux Mint on the bigger one. kinda sucks, i wish i couldve just installed but it doesn't seem like there is anything i can do. thank you so much for the help, comrade. rat-salute

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    Dual Booting: How in god's name?!
  • at this point i am considering uninstalling Pop and getting win10 first because linux actually has sensible ways to dual boot even on the same drive. that's probably what i'll have to do.

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    Dual Booting: How in god's name?!
  • do i need to install the grub bootloader? because no matter what i do holding shift doesn't do anything. i am on windows reinstall number 3 now

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    Dual Booting: How in god's name?!
  • thank you i will try.

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    Dual Booting: How in god's name?!
  • yes, there's an NTFS partition. Heres a screenshot:

  • I have one drive, 1tb with Pop_OS, and another, 500 on to which i want to install windows. (I know, I dont like it either but I want to play VR games via link cable cause ALVR is really mid) So, I put the ISO on a drive with ventoy, booted it up, got it all going. started to install windows on the empty drive. So, after the five steps it kicks me out of the installer and now, I can't acess the second drive. Even through moving the boot order on BIOS, it always loads me into pop os. The only time it ever didn't do this is one time where it seemingly randomly gave me boot options, two of which were Pop_OS and one was "windows boot manager", which when selected turned off my computer and promptly i booted right back into Pop_OS. Can anyone provide some advice? TIA.

    I didn't know where else to ask this, if there is another comm i should ask please lmk. Do you have any suggestions for wireless headphones i can use with linux?
  • sorry! i will edit the post to include the following: i don't really care about the quality too much, i want to spend ~80 usd or so, but that's flexible within 10 dollars or so. i would prefer a headset that has a USB dongle, like a wireless mouse. i don't really need a microphone in it, but i wouldn't really conplain if there was one.

  • Preferably a dongle, but Bluetooth is ok as well. what wireless headphones do you use? thanks for all suggestions!!!

    edit: because i wasn't very descriptive, i will append this: i don't really care about the quality too much, i want to spend ~80 usd or so, but that's flexible within 10 dollars or so. i would prefer a headset that has a USB dongle, like a wireless mouse. i don't really need a microphone in it, but i wouldn't really conplain if there was one.


    I have the intelligently hide dock option enabled, as i feel like it makes most apps feel less cluttered. Is there an extension to make hitting the "menu" key, or what would be the windows key if we weren't on linux, make the dock appear? Thank you in advance everyone! Happy holidays!

    MacOS Accessibility Cursor
  • gnome may be the desktop environment, depending on your distro. it looks like this:


    if your desktop looks like that, it's gnome (Pop_! OS, Ubuntu/Kubuntu, and a few others come with it by default)

  • I am not a fan of cinnamon and i'd like to try gnome or kde plasma. i have heard great things about both and i tried gnome before, but i really hated how it worked with linux mint (particularly that it replaced the login screen with that of the ubuntu login). is there a way to avoid that? any other general tips? thank you everyone!


    I can't find a few games I want on, specifically world box. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thank you! !sankara-salute


    In my search for knowledge about piracy and the dastardly fellows who partake in it, I came across an issue. How do these pirates attain nintendo switch games? i can't seem to understand. may anyone who is well versed in this topic provide some knowledge? much appreciated.


    Just finished making my first, for numbers 1-10, some teens, and some double digits. out of the total 25 I made, it was an absolute grind. Wanted to know if anyone out there has shared their decks, so lazy people like me don't need to make them ourselves (lol). Thanks in advance, comrades! !deng-salute


    Thank you so much, comrades! I am feeling pretty comfortable with linux mint, and now would like some suggestions for some absolutely necessary FOSS or free license software for the OS. So far I have the standard, Firefox, ThunderBird, LibreOffice, yada yada. Thank you again to everyone on the linux comm! !sankara-salute


    Hi! You may be sick of these posts by now, but I have been having a very hard time selecting between three distros; that being OpenSUSE, Fedora, and Linux Mint. I have tried linux in the past, I did debian with cinnamon and ran into some issues, so I ended up sheepishly reinstalling windows and getting AME10. I want to give it another shot though, and I have settled on one of these three. I am an absolute beginner to linux and i'm a g*mer (laugh it up), so out of these which would be better? I don't have too many preferences, I guess I would like to avoid CLI's as much as possible but it's not too much of a big deal. I could get used to it and learn the commands. If you can give a bit of advice, that'd be great and I appreciate all of you! !af-heart


    I am interested in how pirates on the internet (which i am not) would get there hands on the files to a game, just, for example, Baldur's Gate 3, without torrenting? Now, I have heard tell of a place where these nefarious no-gooders would do this, for example But, once they have acquired the file, what steps to these pirates take next? I have heard that .bin files come with these illegal files? How would one approach using those bin files? All out of curiosity of course. Thank you!


    So, I have used spotify premium for a long time and want to switch to using MP3 files. Is there a way I can find all of the songs I downloaded using SF Premium and copy them to a drive? TIA Comrades


    I am an Amerikkan weighing my options on where to flee to. China is an option and i was wondering how much mandarin to learn to get into the country, where I can continue my education in the language there (because the best place to learn a new language is a country that speaks it) if i should be fluent before i move there, that's fine too. i would do literally anything to leave this shithole. TIA comrades and good day.


    Hello! I have some q's about torrenting as the title implies. First, I know that torrenting requires a VPN capable of P2P, but i cant afford a vpn with such capabilities. is there any free ones available?

    Second, if i end up being able to do so, where should i torrent from? i've heard of the pirate bay but honestly that's it.

    Third, what is the best torrent client to use for this?

    any help would be appreciated, thank you and good day comrades !comrade-doggo


    It's called Runbow, if you guys have all heard of it I'll just go delete my post because duh.

    Anyway its a little platformer where the background constantly changes color, making any platforms colored the same become intangible which leads to shenanigans. It's a super good time and I'd reccomend picking it up on sale to have fun with your friends.
