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Horrified looks when I recount "funny stories" from my childhood to others, completes the trilogy.
  • There's also "childhood amnesia" caused by the hormonal changes of puberty.

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    Every time 🤦‍♀️
  • That's a bold move, trying to categorize Brazilian politicians.

    Not saying that I agree with his policies, but I imagine he is doing it because his party has heavily focused their political capital in the North and Northeast regions as they are by far the poorest of the country.

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    Zelenskyy accuses Brazil of being pro-Russia, slams peace proposal
  • And I only found out recently when other countries started talking about joining.

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    We don't do that here
  • I'm not into WH40k, but from fragments I've seen, isn't like 70% of the problems in the setting caused by the elves not explaining things to the humans?

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    Zelenskyy accuses Brazil of being pro-Russia, slams peace proposal
  • For sure! Until recently I didn't even know it has become some sort of official thing, I always thought that it was just an observation by economists that these 5 countries in particular were "ahead" of the other "developing" countries.

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    Zelenskyy accuses Brazil of being pro-Russia, slams peace proposal
  • As a Brazilian, I'd rather have Ukraine than Russia in BRICS. Of course EU is certainly more attractive.

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    Do You Still Use Git in the Terminal?
  • While I don't like being forced to time-travel back to the 1970s, there's always a situation that the GUIs can't handle and I'm forced to use the terminal.

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    Noise Pollution ruins quality of life
  • Some men seem to think their balls will fall off if they don't frequently cause loud noises.

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    Present & Future of EV Manufacturing in Latin America: A Brief Overview
  • I live in South Brazil and it's impressive how quickly new BYD cars are appearing on the streets of my city.

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    Trump’s own version of reality continues to confound political actors and observers
  • He's way beyond that, is he approaching from the other side?

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    Why does one party keep interfering with voting?
  • Somehow Brazil makes it work, there are many many layers of redundancy so that any tampering would not affect the result, or be obvious.

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    Linux rule
  • Like the "joke" that putting 3 leftists in a room results in 5 parties.

    Putting 3 Linux people in a room results in 5 distros?

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    This is a bigger culture shock than the metric vs imperial system to me.
  • Not exclusive to UK or US; here in Brazil me and my wife are from neighboring states and have this same difference in floor naming.

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    The boy is... doing great!
  • He comes back at the end of ep.6 but at this point of the story he is dead.

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    Which one are you reaching for today?
  • Forcing myself to write in the format of Conventional Commits has helped me a lot to write better commit messages.

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    Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand.
  • If he wasn't losing voters, why was he behind Trump in the polls?

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    [Arcade Rage] Leo
  • At this point is hard to call them "significant" (to him)

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    Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand.
  • Well, there are millions of them, so both things can be true. MY personal experience is seeing them criticizing more than defending.

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    Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand.
  • I'm not USian, but I've seen online Democrats complaining about Biden as often, if not more, than Republicans.
