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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 12.08.24
  • capturing would be of little use as Ukraine doesn't have ammunition to them, or even a way to get more. Efforts to get Ukraine more artillery ammunition are focused on NATO standard rounds which will not fix in these.

    This is the typical days haul of artillery for a long time. However Russia is known of have a lot of artillery in various stockpiles. The number destroyed isn't the point so much as it forced Russia to go back for even older artillery to replace it. Already we see them using systems designed in WWII (AFAIK nothing that saw service in WWII, but things designed then and built after the way).

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    Navy warship production hits 25-year low, falls behind China: report
  • Union jobs are typically not good paying. They pay better than entry level fast food for sure. They on paper seem to pay than non-union jobs in the same industry, but that is often an illusion - often there is weird fine print and so your yearly take home pay is about the same either way. However the elephant in the room is there are many many jobs in Engineering, medicine and the like pay much better.

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    Newsom threatens to take money from counties that don't reduce homelessness
  • Apartments take a few months to build. There are standard designs they build over an over again in different locations. I realize CA has earthquakes and maybe cannot take a design from Ohio (though I wouldn't be surprised if they could), but there should be plenty of designs that meet codes. If they cannot build thousands of apartments in a year the problem isn't the time it is they are doing something to make it not possible to build that fast.

    Building should be by right - no need to ask the neighbors for permission or get a review (for a standard design that doesn't do anything unusual), just half hour to get the permit and then a few routine inspections along the way.

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    If the Olympics were permanently canceled, nothing of value would be lost.
  • For the athlets they are evercise andethus of value I don't understand why you would watch someone exercise though. Much better to watch someone play mandolin...

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    US, India, Russia, Japan are building out wind power much too slowly for climate change, report says
  • If you burn that oil instead you would run out in about 10 hours assuming you were going for the same energy output. A lot oi oil is in them for sure, but compared to a oil burned for power it is nothing.

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    UK urged to consider ban on artificial stone worktops over silicosis risk
  • Most cases I've seen the company enforces ppe rules but when the boss is gone the people tear that stuff off. The boss is generally seen wearing it and forces employees to wear it but the boss is often elsewhere.

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    The rest of the world is building subways like crazy. The U.S. has pretty much given up
  • There are lots of reasons trains would be better, but they come down to capacity and if you are building something dedicated tracks are similar price for more capacity. Brisbane has proven that done well the bus works very well and you don't need trains until you need high capacity.

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    The rest of the world is building subways like crazy. The U.S. has pretty much given up
  • America is stretched out, but that mostly referred to Alaska and everything west of the Mississippi and a narrow line of the Pacific ocean. Stick to east of the Mississippi or within 50 miles of the Pacific ocean and you find Americans are dense enough for good transit. However nobody builds good transit, and we are not dense enough to put up with bad transit.

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    New England and Alaska are about to deploy a lot more heat pumps | The EPA awarded these cold regions with a combined $488M to replace fossil-fueled heating with efficient electric heat pumps.
  • My installer was certified. It was installed right and works well - until the temperature gets to 25F and it just isn't large enough to keep up. This is a sales problem and a larger unit would be more expensive so they didn't offer it to me.

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    New England and Alaska are about to deploy a lot more heat pumps | The EPA awarded these cold regions with a combined $488M to replace fossil-fueled heating with efficient electric heat pumps.
  • Will HVAC installers be trained on them, or will they continue to size them for AC load and as a result install systems that are unable to heat below 25F (-5C). The heat pump itself of course can provide heat down to -20F/-25C but it cannot provide enough heat for the climate and so you spend most of the year using the backup heating system (or your house is dangerously cold)

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    Tech CEOs are backtracking on RTO mandates—now, just 3% want workers in the office full-time
  • Targeted layoffs are tricky to pull off. You can be sued for wrongful dismissal and then you need to show you were not targeting that person by anything other than random. You can easially lay off everyone on a project. Anything where you select individuals is risky if they can somehow argue you choose them because of some status (minority or whatever - even white male is not a status you can dismiss someone on) . Don't get me wrong, companies lay off part of a department all the time - but they would prefer to not do that.

    Even if someone quits from a department you don't want to lose people from, you can just transfer an employee from a different department that didn't lose enough people. So this is good enough and someone who quits cannot sue.

    Also if someone quits they cannot collect unemployment. Generally governments track how often a company lays off employees and charges higher unemployment rates to those who lay off more people so getting people to quit saves you here too.

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    How does renouncing citizenship work?
  • Most countries tell you to renounce after you gain the new so it isn't a problem. A few allos dual citizenhip. (maybe most allow dual? I seem to recall that but it is outside where I'm sure)

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    Intel's stock drops 30% overnight —company sheds $39 billion in market cap | As of now, Intel's market value is a fraction of Nvidia's worth and less than half of AMD's
  • The market does tend to overreact so this is possible a sign to buy low. I can't be bothered to check the fundamenals but it seems unlikely that amd is a better investment long term. If you are not looking at least 5 years to the future stocks are a bad idea.
