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Girlhood is a spectrum
  • There's a real time and place for every human being to eat the sloppiest sandwich ever made. And it's fucking delicious. Every time.

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    Whitmer Signs Law Banning Gay, Trans ‘Panic’ Defenses
  • I've said it before but I'll say it again. I've met Gretchen and her daughters on a few very unofficial occasions. She's polite, gracious, helpful, and gives zero fucks.

    There was a podcast that was put out last week where she was promoting her book and swearing her motherfucking ass off like a true Michigander. Legend.


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    Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian
  • If you're from the Midwest and don't call it THE Ohio State University you've immediately lost my trust. And I didn't even go there.

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    *nonchalant whistling*
  • Fuckin' oversensitive dipshits. All of them. They can feel free to paddle their douche canoes as far away from me as possible.

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    ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Gretchen is such a wonderful person, too. I used to deliver groceries to her and her family. She just used an app with the username Gretchen W. She always helped me get the groceries from my car and into the kitchen if she was home.

    Her daughters were also extremely polite and willing to help.

  • Take a note from the movie Tropic Thunder:



    New song - Bobby Sox

    Live your best life!


    Politics took it down because I didn't read the rules.


    Nothing makes sense. It's been oversimplified to the point where it's been dumbed down to its core.


    Hey Julie by Fountains of Wayne

    Never knew it was actually about the pupper


    Things are going downhill far too quickly. Attention grabbing headlines and no useful content from articles rule the internet.

    It makes no sense.

    I cannot understand if this is due to AI, corporate greed, propaganda, or a mixture of all of the above.

    I love exploring new and creative content. It brings me such great joy to learn new things.

    Recently I've felt that I've been backed into a corner on every platform/service that I use and can't get out of getting the same spoon-fed content they think I'll like rather than allowing me to actually discover something fun and new.


    When you bend over in the kitchen and your fart harmonizes with that one creaky floorboard.


    Hi everyone. I just wanted to let you know how wonderful its been to jump from the old place to here over the last few months.

    Nearly every conversation I've had here has been thoughtful, fun, and informative... Keep up the good work, you beautiful people.
