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  • Got that Amazon Prime Healthcare+ subscription: All ambulance rides are free, but the subscription costs you $999 per month

  • Shamelessly stolen from !, as any good atheist would.

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  • To add to the other fine points here, I almost exclusively do all my personal browsing on my phone. Arkenfox isn't designed to work on Firefox mobile.

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    What makes your life well-lived?
  • I would sit in a chair in my back yard, listen to the wind chimes and birds, and watch all of the wildlife just living their life. In essence, I'd spend the hour in mindfulness.

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    Ever wondered which genre of movies has the highest average IMDB rating? [Part 7]
  • How is spider man considered a cartoon and not action/adventure? I realize it's animated, but it's not exactly for little kids. Making it a cartoon puts it into the same category as paw patrol.
