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Rescuers recover more than 260 bodies at music festival attacked by Hamas
  • but casualty numbers do not correlate to who is more “good” or “evil”. It only correlate to whoever has the bigger army.

    I'm talking specifically about civilian casualties.

    Please re-iterate your point if you think it also applies to civilians.

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    Rescuers recover more than 260 bodies at music festival attacked by Hamas
  • Lol, I can tell you're innocent to the world around you.

    persons choice to travel to a party

    Really? It has nothing to do with wealth? Then I guess the Palestinians could've attended this event as guests of honor.

    Lol, it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant you people are yet think you're knowledgeable. Give it a few more years, a bit more life experience, and you'll start to realize that money runs world. If it takes you longer than that, then good luck.

    I'm gonna block you now because you don't seem to have anything of value to say. Just trying to bury your head in the sand and mine along with it, lol.

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    Rescuers recover more than 260 bodies at music festival attacked by Hamas
  • What the heck? Why are you asking me to defend the attack when all I said it was a vapid display put on so rich people could feel good about themselves?


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    Rescuers recover more than 260 bodies at music festival attacked by Hamas
  • So it was free? No $3 bottles of water? Lol, you must be pretty ignorant to the world around you.

    And people didn't travel from Germany to go there?

    I'd feel more sympathetic for them if they spent that money helping Palestinians instead of using them as an excuse to party.

    Keep defending rich people feeling good about themselves by doing nothing of value. You seem like the kind of guy who doesn't understand people only have excessive wealth for events like this because others live in squalor.

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    Rescuers recover more than 260 bodies at music festival attacked by Hamas
  • There’s a difference between attacking unarmed civilians

    I hope you're one of the first to condemn Israel when they kill at least 10x as many Palestinian civilians in retaliation for this.

    You know, in addition to how many more Palestinians civilians they've already killed.

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    Rescuers recover more than 260 bodies at music festival attacked by Hamas
  • If you create the conditions for war and terrorism, do not be surprised when war and terrorism come.

    This is exactly why they're so surprised. They thought that Palestinians should just roll over and take it up the ass, like god intended, the natural order of things.

    There's only an issue when the oppressed fight back.

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    Rescuers recover more than 260 bodies at music festival attacked by Hamas
  • Speak for yourself.

    Rational people recognize what a vapid facade 'music festivals for peace' are.

    The 'peace' was just an excuse so rich people don't feel bad about partying.

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    Rescuers recover more than 260 bodies at music festival attacked by Hamas
  • I wonder how partying at a music festival was supposed to help the Palestinians.

    Seems like it was just an excuse to make rich people feel good about themselves while having a good time.

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    German woman's body paraded naked, spit on by Hamas fighters in Israel
  • You're woefully ignorant to the world around you if you think they did this for sympathy.

    If sympathy hasn't worked up until now, what do you think would have to change in order to make it work? Lol.

    But yeah, keep parroting those upvoted reddit talking points. You fit in!

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    German woman's body paraded naked, spit on by Hamas fighters in Israel
  • Nah, he had to resort to personal insults because he didn't have a strong argument.

    And no, it didn’t make their argument look weak.

    You only say that because you agree with him and you're biased.

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    Pentagon says it will support Israel after Netanyahu declares war
  • I'm not saying support Palestine.

    I'm saying remove funding for Israel, one of the wealthiest nations in the world.

    If they need more money, they can take it from their ruling class instead of our taxpayers.

  • The first human organ created inside an animal opens the door to manufacturing ‘spare parts’ for people

    In an experiment that raises bioethical issues, researchers in China have generated a blueprint of a humanized kidney in a pig embryo

    Edit: Surprised at all the vegans in this thread. I didn't think there were so many of you. I'm glad you care so much about animal rights, that you're willing to forego eating them and using products made from them. If you're not vegan and have moral objections for this, maybe you should look at yourself first and all the animal abuse you sanction by eating animals and using animal products. Did you know dairy cows have to be pregnant to produce milk? They're artificially inseminated throughout most of their lives. I hope everyone complaining about this also complains about ice cream and cheese. Or else they would be hypocrites who just want to blame others but never look at themselves.

    163 1.2m Palestinians face devastating humanitarian crisis because of US aid block

    Twenty-three civil society organisations have warned of 'a devastating humanitarian crisis' unless the block placed by Republican lawmakers on aid destined for Palestinians is lifted. As many as ...


    It's excruciatingly obnoxious to have to rely on third party sources for what should be a first-party feature.

    Like, I select all and then search a query. "Oh no, nobody on your server used a third party service to find it, so you won't see it here."

    Like, how short-sighted is that, really? If I search for a string in the 'all' servers, I should have a list of 'all' the servers containing that string.

    It's a really simple concept. Not sure why this post even has to be made, but I'm wondering if there's something I can do to make these 'features' more intuitive.
