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RG35XX - This is amazing!
  • I highly doubt it can do GameCube, Wii, and possibly not even DS. N64 and possibly some Dreamcast but again you're missing the 3D stick.

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    Biden proposes new student-loan measures after court defeat
  • Fuck that. I've paid more than $80k+ in extra taxes in the 6 years since I've graduated that I wouldn't have without my degree. This is nothing more than a tax break for me - the little guy. This is nothing compared to their return on investment. Totally why community college/trade school should be free, on condition you graduate or get a job in the field of study.

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    RG35XX - This is amazing!
  • Like not even close. This is like 5th generation consoles and no PC. Aya will emulate Switch and probably lots of PS3, and of course play PC games. Also it lacks a 3D joystick so there's that.

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    Scientists find stunning octopus world in the deep sea
  • And these fuckers are pretty intelligent. I wonder what they thought about the craft that drove through. Maybe it will be the start of an octopi religion.
