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Empires fall
  • Oh certainly i expect it. But before something takes their place, would at least give a small window of hope before the replacement establishes a solid footing. We can at least know what to expect.

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    Teach the children.
  • Stop online concentration camps! Stop internet dystopian! Stop cyber dictators!

    Fight for net neutrality! Fight for privacy! Fight for internet freedom!

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    Woman behind Neo-Nazi plot to destroy Maryland's power grid sentenced to 18 years in prison
  • I wouldn't worry about it, these people are not smart. Being all over doesn't mean they're well organized or largely grouped. Most neo nazis are just shit talking teens on discord. Animals mindlessy attacking power grids is laughable to the american government. America has countless power grids anyways.

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    The Arctic ocean photographed in the same place, 107 years ago vs today.
  • Afterwards, 30 chained fast food resturants along with gas stations can be built along it followed by market advertisement campaigns to set up billboards

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    Selective rage
  • I feel as things i wrote got misinterpretated tbh. My ideas were not something racist, my ideas are to help identify variations in human. When i speak of human variants i refer to different variations of humans. I'm not even specifically referring to race itself when i mean variation, but rather the more minor things. And my mind isn't set in stone. People really ought to not actively look for excuses to be offended, and try to understand that some such as myself just want to understand such subjects better. I don't see these things in context of feels, so if you thought me referring to human variants in manor that is meant to dehumanize or something of the sort, just know i'd refer myself in the same way. People are so quick to apply emotions over logic and actively look for excuses to get offended rather than have a reasonable discussion. Im open minded person, so please just have a chat with me. I like open minded discussions and im subject to change my perspectives. Instead of telling me how offended you easily get, why not instead kindly share some insight on different angles and perspective. Not everything on the internet has to be made out to be an arguement. Please understand im not out to force perspectives. So many people on the internet have this fixed mindset they gotta win arguments, have narrative battles, pull off many arguement strategies and tactics, quote everything, insult each other intellual propeties, etc. Its exhausting everyone treating each other as obstacles to overcome by heated debates. Just have regular conversation, instead of focusing on winning peer approval on how right you are as it seems most people of these kinds of sites tend have as their focus.

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    Selective rage
  • I have read, perhaps you should had asked if i understood it. I did mention i didn't understand enough about genetics. You seem to be having an arguement, where as im having a discussion. Science is important, yes. But blindly trusting words of an article. All scientific consensus says is basically "this is the popular vote of agreement, so it must be true" im not saying its wrong, im saying should blindly trust a general consensus as fact. The obvious thing is you being haneous about having your perspective challenged. Could we discuss this like gentlemen rather than you throwing a hissy fit. There was really no reason get all spiteful and uncivil. This isnt even about the intial discussion any more, but you just getting irrationally angry when i asked for an opinion of your own.

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    Selective rage
  • Bold to assume i hadn't read it, also i wanna hear your thoughts. This a disccussion, not a debate. Im not used to this reddit style sites, im usually on messeagers with talking to people from logical perspectives, not people who just toss source links from jurnalist sites that tell you random scientist claims it true. You can throw as many journalist sources, scientist claims, bars, graphs as you like, i'd still like to hear your own individual thoughts that arent just random sources to claims. I wanna know you formed your own sense of reasoning or are just repeating what your told.

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    Selective rage
  • Not sure how viable these sites are as sources, but also i don't know enough about genetics to determine full extent of changes over long stretches of time. All i know is trying to apply a logical sense of possibilities. In my speculation, just though it to makes sense for climates that are more hot and sunny for people to adabt with darker skin. Even if different races have all the same genetics, might not mean the genetics are not used in different ways. Clearly there is something there that instructs people to have different skin colors and other minor changes. It's not a bad thing to ask what causes these physical differences and why they occur. What you thoughts on what causes the variations of physcal differences if not genetics?

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    Selective rage
  • I come in more hoping for a disccusion, not a battle. Might i ask you to refrain from being rash or hostile. No reason this needs to get uncivil. Same for dasus. Having a mind set to win arguements is unneccessary here. Please talk to me, not at me.

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    Selective rage
  • I'd probaby classify it more as human variants or sub-varients. Intially and historical origins of ancestors, blacks would've lived closer toward the equater of the earth where temperatures were warmer and more tropical and white folk lived in a bit cooler less tropical climates in the north. Our climates started off very different and we adapt to changing enviroments. I notice that american blacks are very different from african blacks. I think many american blacks are mixed or may have some italian in their genes. It's interesting the many variants in people that barely have any classification if any. It can get quite complex and confusing, so many people just lump them in with others. This holds true for people of kinds too. Trying to fit in another form of classification can also be tricky, but not just because complex variants, but also people might get too easily offended. Had some neat ideas of classification, but some people might not see in the same light and might think it meant to offend.

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    Selective rage
  • Believe me, white folk do get offended about non-white characters being changed to white, in fact they the most likely ones to be offended, especially when it comes to historic figures. All this meme is doing is framing an inaccurate depiction of white folk to suit a biased narrative. Keep in mind also, a minority few cannot represent an entirety. Just as all black or asian folk are not alike, same holds true for white folk. This an era where a difference in race is not the concern, but rather the upper class rich people that use ethnic label stereotyping to have us fight among each other as distraction. Don't fall for their trickery of dividing us.

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    Youtube has fully blocked Invidious
  • In the past maybe, but certainly not these days. It's overglorified corporate money grab propaganda, that goes around shamelessy guilt tripping viewers when truth is spoken. Much of these so-called content creators do not much else than making face react videos to something they saw and just talk about their likes or dislikes. They get paid lots just to make a soy-jack face and shitty clickbaits. The amount of money some them get paid is large sums insane for little efforts in proportion to what worth it actually ought to be. There people out there putting real efforts and labor to contributions to society to keep it running that paid squat in comparison. Its sad really. Go ahead downvote me, it doesn't change the truth i speak.

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    Important information
  • I disagree, i despise the spork. Combining two things that work best in their own task seperately is terrible. Try to get the last bit of pudding out a pudding cup or twirl noodles with it and you can see it's not as effective, terrible even.
