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Trouble upgrading from centos 7 to almalinux, where to get affordable help upgrading/migrating?
  • Thanks, there is also /r/sysadmin and probably more where to ask, but i figured this place would also make sense. Its about where to get paid help for upgrades etc.

  • Trouble upgrading from centos 7 to almalinux, where to get affordable help upgrading/migrating?

    I tried to use the elevation upgrade script from almalinux, however it fails. it ends with the screenshot i attached, emergency mode. and I was then required to roll back a snapshot. My current host was so kind to take a look as well, also try to upgrade it themselfs, but they couldn't achieve it either on a quick try (i saw them through vnc also doing a drive repair)

    I want to upgrade to almalinux 9 (through 8 then as required), so where does one get affordable and truthworthy help for these things, for the not-so-techy people like myself?


    How can i access my home linux mini-pc from the internet, without using port forwarding on my router?

    I do have my own web server running centos 7 i could use. I am planning to buy a small mini-pc that will be running home assistant and frigate for recording my camera's and integrating AI detection into my smart home. It seems the best installation for that is debian.

    I have a router that is using a wireguard vpn, that does not allow port forwarding, so i need an alternative to access the mini-pc.

    Now, of course there's some things to be found when googling, but my preference goes to the most easy-to-use solution as i'm not great with linux, i just mess around digging through configs, copy-pasting instructions and getting stuff done that way. This is why I wanted to ask you guys for advice =)

    Would appriciate assistance!
