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Six things to know about the political debate around daylight saving time
  • Why couldn’t you say what the medical communities issue is in the post rather than leaving some cliff hanger and making me click into the article?

    Medical communities “issue”:

    But the medical community has taken issue with how the bill proposes to make the change — specifically, that it mandates all states adopt permanent daylight saving time rather than sticking to standard time

    Doctors and scientists argue that standard time is actually better for our health. Our internal clock is better aligned with getting light in the morning, which, in turn, sets us up for better sleep cycles.

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    In-ear headphones or over-ear headphones?
  • I have both in ear XM4 and over ear XM5s and I don’t like either. The xm4 is just too big and too heavy. It feels like it’s barely hanging onto my ear. I’ve tried using the for running or bike riding and they fall out. If you try to force them to stay in your ear it can wedge itself in too tight and get painful.

    The XM5s are too tight and they hurt right below my ear if I wear them too long. The anc is good but I had some Bose QC35s before and they were waaay more comfortable and worked just as good.

    I wish I had got the AirPods Pro and whatever new quiet comfort headphones Bose had now. Still thinking of switching.

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    Drunk singer of Smash Mouth freaks out at crowd for throwing bread, band tries to hold it together
  • I think it’s incredibly disrespectful to post this. The man died of what you see in the video- alcoholism. Saying RIP or posting the AA number doesn’t make you less wrong for posting this. You should feel badly.

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    Bobi, the world's oldest dog ever, dies aged 31
  • lol. The language you chose proves you’re a moron. I suspect that you know you’re actually a moron. That’s why my comment cut so deep. You can’t buy brain cells but you can read more. There’s still a chance for you little dunce :)

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    Bobi, the world's oldest dog ever, dies aged 31
  • Moronic comment made by a moron. Glad to see the bottom of the barrel is still trying. Failing, but trying. Good effort mate.

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    Bobi, the world's oldest dog ever, dies aged 31
  • Did you even read the article? There is good documentation. Man you keyboard ninjas need to spend less time in the dojo and more time in the library.

    Bobi's grand old age was validated by the Portuguese government's pet database, which is managed by the National Union of Veterinarians.

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    Bobi, the world's oldest dog ever, dies aged 31
  • Ah, the wonderful prevailing argument sweeping the internet the last few years: “that looks like something else, so it must be that. Let’s disregard sources and science. Everything must be what it looks like.”

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    Weed only works once a day for me?
  • “who the fuck is mr beast what the fuck happened”. Lol. Reminds me of the Jay and silent bob line “what the fuck is the internet?”

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    Today, I bike to school
  • There’s a study I posted below that says that bike lanes are just about always safer, didn’t really talk about sidewalk riding though. Where I live (not Florida) there’s a lot of blind driveways, so riding on the sidewalk can be dangerous for cars coming out of their driveway. (Second link describes that). Happy riding!

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    People Are Overly Obsessed With Climate Change And Do Not Care About Other Issues.
  • Who is the “they” you’re referring too? From the title I guess all people are too heated up over climate change for you? (See what I did there ;) I am absolutely a climate activist but I for sure have a chill mode. I’m not violent and all I do is try to educate my friends and family. If we don’t address climate change we will destroy the world that’s a fact, so to me it is THEE most important issue. (FYI- thee actually means you, it’s not a stronger form of the like you’re using it).

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    Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on 16 November 1581 - Ilya Repin (1885)
  • Your comment really doesn’t paint an accurate picture. I don’t thin op is right, but I don’t think you’re totally correct either. The life expectancy in Russia increased after the Bolshevik revolution because it had been decimated by disease, and a civil war for the years before that. The increase in life expectancy had nothing to do with communists coming into power. It certainly had nothing to do with industrialization that didn’t really get going in Russia until 1930. It had everything to do with the end of the civil war and global medicine advancing.

    “Dire food shortages, hunger and famine were further exacerbated by the outbreak of several epidemics. Between 1918 to 1922 there were 2.5 million deaths as a result of the typhus epidemic...

    Population figures fell by 35 million and were estimated at 139 million in 1921, a direct result of the war, famine and epidemic diseases.”


    Another source: Life expectancy (from birth) in Russia, from 1845 to 2020 -

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    Malaysia, India and Taiwan reject China's new territorial map
  • I mean yeah, but at least they’re not sucking peoples blood.

    Edit: my comment was meant to be a joke about iamascaryvampire’s username. Sorry if people don’t get it ☹️

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    Wholesomeness test
  • I could live without the influx of boomer humor I’m seeing in this sub. This isn’t even a meme. It’s just dumb.

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    11 nations of West Africa commit to a military deployment to restore the ousted president of Niger
  • All 3 smaller conflicts you just mentioned were all in Europe, and mostly (Spanish revolutionaries and nazis) were perpetrated by fascist. Again I don’t really see the similarity between the 1930s in Europe and the 2020s today. Maybe you could say the Yemeni war is similar to the Spanish civil war in that it’s a proxy conflict- though spains civil war didn’t last as long and had fewer foreign players.

    The Japanese even had the anti-Comintern pact of 1936, the precursor to the tripartite pact, that really drew the lines of who was on what side. Again, aside from Russia and China bolstering relations I see almost no similarities between the conflicts happening now, and the Spanish civil war, the invasion Czechia and Austria, and the annexation of Finland. (Well I guess the last one is Russia invading it’s neighbor again, but no one would say wwII started because Russia invaded Finland).

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    Today is the transgender flag day, commemorating the creation of the transgender flag by Monica Helms on August 19, 1999. This is the original flag that she donated to The Smithsonian in 2014.
  • What’s with Europeans and flags? Every tiny little region from Leads to Kiev had a flag.

    What’s up with right wingers and flags? Every far right group has their own dumb clad for hating everyone but themselves.

    What’s up with sports teams and flags? Every sports club from neighborhood club leagues to the champions league has their own flag.

    What’s up with Africans and flags? Every tiny faction has their own flag.

    What’s up with the United Nations and flags? Every individual member has their own flag as well as a unified one.

    And FYI moron- being trans isn’t a sex act. Idiot.

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    11 nations of West Africa commit to a military deployment to restore the ousted president of Niger
  • If you think wwIII is going to start because the ECOWAS bloc is entering Niger I have good news for you- it’s not. I’m not sure I follow why multiple military conflicts prove wwIII is coming. The WWs were not an amalgamation of multiple small conflicts. They were larger theaters of war all interconnected, not disjointed like the Ukraine war, Yemeni conflict, and Niger coup are. You’re not really fear mongering, but your fears for the start of wwIII to be born out of any of the wars right now aside from the Ukraine one doesn’t make a lot of sense.
