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House Republican Says Jim Jordan’s Tally Is ‘Gonna Be Going Backwards’ In Tomorrow’s Vote
  • Under no circumstance would the dems be running RFK if Biden wasn't in the picture. RFK has never been anybody within the party and Democratic voters don't like him that much, to say nothing of his discredited beliefs that are pulling more conservative voters to his campaign than liberal ones.

    But we should look at why conservative voters are responding so well to him.

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    The Politics of Religion
  • The issue is that there just often aren't non political churches to go to in many areas anymore.

    In the seattle area, I think the only new church that has gotten built in the last 30 years has been prosperity gospel while the ones that serve the poor have been in the area for a hundred years or operate on weekends out of a high school gymnasium.

    The story of Christianity on the west coast is one of land deeds.

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    Do you use you card for payments in sandboxed Google play?
  • Being married and getting paid opposite weeks, gpay is essentially the only google offering I am in no hurry to break free from.

    Though it would be nice to see competition in the space.

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    How Restarting Student Loan Payments Could Change Millions of Lives — And The Economy
  • Your argument is that they are both too rich to deserve forgiveness, but also only have themselves to blame for being too poor to pay back their loan.

    I guess I would say that only a reactionary would argue the complete truth of both at once. Ironically, if the people in debt were the truly rich as you 50% claim to believe, they would have gotten their way, and you likely would have supported it.

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    How Restarting Student Loan Payments Could Change Millions of Lives — And The Economy
  • It's odd to me, when a landlord takes out a loan to buy another property, hypothetical future income is not barring him from having those loans written off, and nothing in your history here that I can find suggests you believe landlords should be put into the same situation as student loan repayers.

    If people with student loans were as rich as your claim, the fiscal policy would already be set up to benefit them, but the fact that your argument hinges on denying them the very benefits you allow rich people to have in our system I think pretty effectively shows you don't actually believe this, are merely just a reactionary.

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    How Restarting Student Loan Payments Could Change Millions of Lives — And The Economy
  • What percentage of people with student loans actually can afford it though? If your argument is that all of us are too rich to get hand outs, what are you casing that off of?

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    How Restarting Student Loan Payments Could Change Millions of Lives — And The Economy
  • The rich aren't the ones generally taking out the student loans through the federal program.

    Most rich people schools are also private, so don't qualify for most loans through federal programs.

    This is an incredibly dishonest argument.

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    Proud Boy Joe Biggs receives 17 years in Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy case
  • Just a reminder: on the day tweets were claiming the gallow was brought into DC by one of the vehicles in Alex Jones' motorcade.

    We need to be clear here: Mike Pence was going to be assassinated on January 6th.

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