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My problem with atheism
  • I personally never said that I think there definitely is no god, so that part is a straw man argument.

    It is also not a requirement of atheism, as has been explained to you multiple times. Insisting that your definition is the correct one doesn't make it so.

    Also, why is it not begging the question to say that it is out of our reach?

    You say it's like blind people and colors, but that analogy doesn't work, because there are people who have seen colors, and can explain how colors work. Do you have a similar example for gods? Are there people who have "seen" gods, so to speak?

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    My problem with atheism
  • Sorry for my very late response.

    In your example of color, there are people who can, and people who can't see colors.

    Is there any analogy between that and god belief?

    Not just belief, because anyone can believe anything. I mean knowledge, or sensory input.

    If no one can sense (detect) deities, then how can anyone say that there is one?

    And if we can't say that there is one, why would it be unreasonable to conclude that there probably isn't one?

    That is all I as an atheist believe. That, lacking any evidence, it seems reasonable to conclude that there probably aren't any deities.

    All this talk about it being beyond our understanding sounds like begging the question if you can't demonstrate it.

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    My problem with atheism
  • There is no precedence for the existence of deities.

    For belief in deities, yes, but not for their existence.

    That is all we need to say if we believe in the existence of deities; prior plausibility.

    Staying in the middle ground of "maybe, we don't know" makes no sense, because it puts the plausibility one step further towards "yes" than is warranted based on the evidence we have.

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    New Hellboy Poster
  • I'm more surprised by them referring to it as the fourth instalment at all.

    This movie is supposedly a reboot, so not part of the same storyline as the previous three.

    Yet, that is what those words seem to communicate.

    Marketing? Sloppy writing?

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    Should I do it?
  • I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there isn't even a person on the other end, but instead it's just an AI.

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    31 years ago, Jurassic Park was released
  • Having read it again not too long ago, I was actually surprised by how much of it was not good.

    The framework was interesting, but much of the actual writing wasn't nearly as good as I had thought.

    Maybe it's because I had read it in a Dutch translation the first couple of times, and the translator had had improved the prose without intending to, or maybe it's because it was many years ago.

    Whatever the reason, I felt like it needed another pass of the editor.

    The movie, on the other hand, still thrills me every time I see it.

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    'Civil War' might be the year's most explosive movie. Alex Garland thinks it's just reporting
  • When you say "non-political", what do you mean?

    The movie is about national division. I find it strange that any movie could do that without having any politics in it.

  • I love Kim Stanley Robinson’s books, and am reading (in some case re-reading) his books in order. At some point, I’m going to get to Green Earth, but since it’s a reworking of the Science in the Capitol trilogy, I wanted to find out just how much it adds/leaves out/changes.

    Is the difference significant enough to merit a “re-read”? I'm particularly interested in characterization, but I'm also curious if the science itself has been significantly changed, with resulting plot changes.

