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My college sent warning email regarding pirated software use by students.
  • Shucks... Maybe if the college didn't rob the students blind on tuition, and the publishers not rob the students blind on books, maybe they could afford to pay for software licenses. 🤷‍♂️

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    Samsung going all in on Google Messages in US, stops pre-installing Samsung Messages on Galaxy phones
  • No, American iPhone users use iMessage and think they're superior. American Android users don't give a fuck and think it's hilarious that iOS users think they're superior because they used dumbed down devices that nag for money everywhere.

    You should consider staying in your own lane...

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    Samsung going all in on Google Messages in US, stops pre-installing Samsung Messages on Galaxy phones
  • A small handful of iOS users might complain about iOS, but a majority of us don't give a shit and can't understand why anybody would brag about having an inferior OS.

    And sure people make accounts all the time, but if doesn't mean they enjoy doing it. I doubt most people enjoy having to flip between messenger, signal, telegram, and WhatsApp - and RCS fixes most of that since everybody has access to it, and SMS is still a main go-to for messaging in north America anyway.

    Any more stupid takes to share with us?

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    Samsung going all in on Google Messages in US, stops pre-installing Samsung Messages on Galaxy phones
  • Literally nobody is hung up on bubble colours other than you and iPhone users... Most people don't give a shit, and the added benefits of RCS basically bring it up to spec with a typical messenger, and since it's pre-installed it means that you don't need to worry about messenger app segregation. You don't even need to create an account.

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    Samsung going all in on Google Messages in US, stops pre-installing Samsung Messages on Galaxy phones
  • This is such a dumb take... "Lol Americans all using SMS! We prefer to install 4 different messaging apps to talk to people, and can't do shit if we end up in an area with low reception"


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    Anyone else who used to be on Reddit in the early 2010s remember how it used to be a Wild West?
  • I can't stand people who use Discord as a support platform... Absolutely nothing comes up in internet searches, and then you have to try to find an old discussion, or ask the same question as 50 other people. It's dumb.

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    Yet more examples of how copyright destroys culture rather than driving it
  • If the publishers win, I hope every book they publish as long as they exist gets torrented into oblivion leading authors to ditch them in favour of self publishing

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    Work from home
  • This implies that the company has a competent IT team that rolls it out correctly, and that there won't be some way to exploit it and dig in further than expected.


    On personal devices, it's normal and expected for users to check email, join meetings, update files, and more. Many organizations allow personal devices to access organization resources.

    (From the site)

    Lmao WHAT? It's normal for users to do company shit on their personal phone? What kind of delusional Spongebob bullshit is that? Is the company gonna pay for data or subsidize the cost of my phone? Are they going to pay me to be on call if they expect me to of this shit outside of my working hours?

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    Work from home
  • Especially when the "hybrid" model involves more days in office than at home.

    I guess execs don't work when they're at home and can't handle not getting distracted, so they just assume the same for everyone.

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    Work from home
  • Intune installs as a device adminstration. I'm not sure how much I'd trust that on my personal device period.

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    Work from home
  • Yup same. It's crazy how many people willing installed Intune and shit on their personal phone. If my company wants me to have that level of portability, then they'll be buying a work phone for me and paying me overtime any time I'm forced to use it out of regular hours

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    Work from home
  • Yup, my work pulled the same Bullshit. I can work from home and we all worked from home through COVID... But now suddenly I can't

    So, there's been a few times where the power's gone out or something has happened that needs us at a remote location. They send the team home. The rest of the guys willingly go. I stay back and remind them that "gee, sorry. You guys have made it abundantly clear that I can't work from home. All those times I had to take personal time... So yeah, no. I'll just hang out here I guess until everything comes back up 🤷‍♂️"

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    Health-care system is 'broken,' Niagara woman says after dad dies suddenly in emergency room
  • so what to do now?

    How about a Civics exam that you need to pass in order to vote? If somebody doesn't know the basics of the government including federal vs provincial vs municipal, then their vote shouldn't count because they have no underiof what they're voting for in the first place.

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    Health-care system is 'broken,' Niagara woman says after dad dies suddenly in emergency room
  • The problem is that this country is fucking brain-dead and tries to elect conservatives federally every chance they can. Shit, there's an actual chance somebody as against the general public as Poilivere could be elected. There are actually working class folk out there absolutely excited to fuck themselves and everybody else over by electing him in. Every point they make against Trudeau will very possibly continue or be worse under PP yet they're out there with raging truck boners hopping to vote him in.

    And that has the potential to fuck the entire country over for healthcare instead of just a few lobotomized provinces.

    Be careful what you wish for.

  • Is there a list of, uh, sublemmies that spawned from Reddit communities?

    As a 10+ year Reddit user, I recently made the jump here to Lemmy and was hoping to re-join some of the old groups. Is there a running list somewhere of all the groups on here that started as subreddits?

    What's the right term for them, anyway? Group? Sublemmy? Community?
