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Who is your favorite artist and what song/album would you recommend?
  • I do have a lot of favorites from over the years but I still find new bands/albums I fall in love with. So instead of recommending any old favorites I will give you my album of the year (thus far) from a band I didn’t really enjoy before.

    Caligula‘s Horse - Charcoal Grace

    Absolutely fantastic album and I would strongly recommend listening to it from start to finish.

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    After charger, Apple removes USB-C cable from the box
  • Seriously, since Apple stopped including a wall brick I have not had a single-port power adapter in my household. All I have now are a few power adapters with multiple USB A and C outputs so I can charge whatever is needed.

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    Proton CEO comments about proton drive client for linux
  • Not sure what’s the chicken and what’s the egg here but maybe they didn’t know how much work would have to be done and thus how much money it would cost.

    But it’s all just speculation and neither am I trying to defend them nor do I have a use case for this particular feature. I just wanted to interject a different possible scenario.

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    Where's the justice?
  • Since it’s a separate entity from you I’d say my point stands. Also, fuck the being. Don’t let it be the boss of you.

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    Where's the justice?
  • Sorry that I have to be the bearer of bad news here (or maybe it’s good news? Who knows). When you’re dead you’ll most likely not care about what people do or say…

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    A Cool Guide about 12 myths that movies made us believe
  • Ok, I know nothing about grenades but from what I’ve seen I imagine there’s a spring mechanism and that is clamping the pin down. So wouldn’t pressing down on the clamp make pulling the pin easy/easier?

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    Scientists Found Dark Electrons: a Secret Quantum State Hidden in Solid Matter
  • Although it is very much on the Science Fantasy side of things your thoughts remind me of the “The Final Architecture” book series by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Really enjoyed reading the trilogy.

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    Review: Turris Omnia, a FOSS wifi router, NAS and Server, based on a highly improved OpenWRT, with BTRFS!
  • but not really modern hardware

    That is kind of an understatement, I believe the hardware is now at least 8 years old if I’m not mistaken, and to me the biggest deterrent right now. If they updated the hardware to relatively modern standards I wouldn’t mind the price tag and probably buy one immediately. As it stands though, no chance.

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    J.D. Vance Blames 'Fake Polls' for Harris' Lead
  • First thing I thought when seeing this. Looks like a poster for a gig and the setlist. Someone needs to put an ai to it and make the most garbage of songs out of those titles 😆

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    Germany getting tough on knife crime
  • I’ve never witnessed someone pouring chemicals into a river. I guess that means no laws are needed in this regard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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    Germany getting tough on knife crime
  • I don’t understand. No law prevents anyone from doing what’s forbidden. Are you saying all laws are futile? Otherwise what is different with this law that makes it futile?

    Also, we usually can do many things at once or in succession. We can raise prices on sugary food, start programs to inform the public about the impact sugar has on health, make school lunches more healthy etc. Would you complain that it is futile raising prices if it was the first thing proposed or would you say “Good, let’s do this and also the other things.”?

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    What was the worst band or singer you’ve ever listened to?
  • When I heard the Tool cover of No Quarter and found out the original was by Led Zeppelin I gave that version a spin too. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.

    Reason being that I really like the Led Zeppelin vocalist. But his performance on that song is just unbearable to me.

    The Tool cover though, absolutely amazing!

  • I’m looking for a way to keep an eye on open source software I’m using, especially if there are detrimental changes. Like for example when there’s an acquisition (Raivo Authenticator) or the project has not been updated in a long time (potentially posing a security risk).

    But I don’t want to have to read about every project, just the ones I’m using.

    Anyone got any ideas?


    Does anyone know why there are no dedicated Authenticator apps made by for example Proton or Bitwarden?

    I’m aware that they have TOTP baked into their password managers but you still need to have at least one separate solution to log into your vault.


    Is there a Lemmy app for iPad that has split screen like Narwhal for Reddit had? Post list on the left, content/comments on the right side.
